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  1. Adobe Reader 5 or better
  2. Department of Biological Sciences
  3. Stanford Institute for International Studies
  4. Civil and Environmental Engineering
  5. Center for Environmental Science and Policy
  6. Interdisclipinary Program in Environment and Resources
  7. Stanford University


  1. Working Group II
  2. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  3. Working Group I
  4. Center for Environmental Science and Policy (CESP)
  5. Interdisciplinary Program in Environment and Resources (IPER)
  6. Stanford University Department of Biological Sciences
  7. Institute for International Studies
  8. Stanford Civil and Environmental Engineering
  9. Stanford University Earth Systems Program
  10. Center for Environmental Science and Policy
  11. Stanford Environmental Studies - Climate and Atmosphere
  12. Stanford Environmental Studies - Env. Economics and Policy
  13. Stanford University Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Environment and Resources
  14. National Academy of Sciences
  15. Academia Europaea
  16. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  17. Terry L. Root

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  1. Kiehl and Trenberth, 1997
  2. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  3. The Discovery of Global Warming
  4. Second Assessment Report
  5. article
  6. Third Assessment Report
  7. IPCC Working Group II Report
  8. IPCC
  9. Summary for Policy Makers
  10. figure 2
  11. Special Report on Emission Scenarios
  12. Karl and Trenberth, 2003
  13. IPCC WG 2 TAR,
  14. figure SPM-2
  15. IPCC, WG I (IPCC, 2001a)
  16. SRES
  17. "Come On, Everybody Else Is Doing It"
  18. EPA
  19. Harvard School of Public Health
  20. Kyoto Protocol
  21. Report by the E.P.A. Leaves Out Data on Climate Change
  22. The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: Does the Bush Administration Think It Can Fool Mother Nature?
  23. Global Commons Institute
  24. Trading Up to Climate Security
  25. IPCC 2001c, chapter8
  26. Presentation on Climate Change
  27. SHS: Seminar
  28. Carlos Seligo
  29. SHS: Interview
  30. Carlos Seligo
  31. SHS: The Global Warming Controversy -- Can we separate scientific signal from political noise?
  32. View video (requires ASX player)
  33. The Future and Natural Disasters
  34. listen to Real Audio
  35. Journalism and Environmental Reporting
  36. Xerox PARC Forum presentation
  37. Impacts of Global Warming on Species
  38. The Guardian Climate Change Reports
  39. SafeClimate News
  40. Environment Canada
  41. Grist Magazine Heat Beat
  42. U.S. EPA Global Warming — News and Events
  43. Climate Ark
  44. IPCC Working Group I Glossary
  45. EPA Glossary
  46. ClimateChange.Org Glossary

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  1. Figure SPM2


  1. Munich Society for Environmental Research


  1. Munich Society for Environmental Research



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  1. IPCC Synthesis Report
  2. figure 5-2


  1. Palukitof, Climate Research Unit, UEA


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  1. IPCC WG 2 TAR,
  2. figure SPM-2
  3. IPCC, WG I (IPCC, 2001a)
  4. SRES


  1. IPCC WG 2 TAR,
  2. figure SPM-2
  3. IPCC, WG I (IPCC, 2001a)
  4. SRES
  5. UN Framework Convention on Climate Change
  6. IPCC WG 2
  7. IPCC Working Group II
  8. IPCC 2001b
  9. SPM-1
  10. Jean Palutikof
  11. Palukitof, Climate Research Unit, UEA
  12. Scientists report global warming kills 160,000 annually
  13. Schneider and Root, 1998
  14. National Academy of Sciences, 1991
  15. Working Group III - SRES



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  1. IPCC 2001b
  2. SPM-1




  1. IPCC 2001b
  2. IPCC 2001b
  3. SPM-2
  4. Figure TS-2
  5. Technical Summary
  6. IPCC 2001b


  1. heat stress
  2. "Cloud forest agenda"
  3. "North Sea faces collapse of its ecosystem"
  4. Parmesan and Yohe, 2003
  5. The Birdwatcher's Guide to Global Warming
  6. Third Assessment Report of the IPCC (2001b).
  7. "Carbon dioxide emissions"
  8. graphic about U.S. CO2 emissions
  9. report titled
  10. "Ecological Footprint of Nations"
  11. IPCC 2001b
  12. IPCC 2001b
  13. SPM-2
  14. Global Warming is Choking the Life Out of Lake Tanganyika
  15. Figure TS-2
  16. Technical Summary
  17. IPCC, 2001b
  18. IPCC, 2001c
  19. Assessing the science to address UNFCCC Article 2
  20. PAGES
  21. Munich Society for Environmental Research
  22. Munich Society for Environmental Research
  23. Researchers Track Glacial Melt with Old Photos, New Technology
  24. http://www.gletscherarchiv.de.
  25. Source: USGS - Understanding Climate Change Effects on Glacier National Park's Natural Resources
  26. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  27. Climate Change: Causes, Impacts and Uncertainties, Testimony of Dr. Stephen Schneider, 10 July 1997.
  28. Climate Change 2001: Synthesis Report
  29. IPCC, 2000
  30. The National Climatic Data Center
  31. U.S. Global Change Research Program: Climate Variability and Change
  32. Exploratorium — Global Climate Change
  33. Understanding the Global Water Cycle — NASA
  34. National Snow and Ice Data Center/State of the Cryosphere
  35. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Arctic Theme Page
  36. CSIRO Atmospheric Research - Climate Change
  37. Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research
  38. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Global Warming Site
  39. Global Warming: Early Warning Signs - Union of Concerned Scientists
  40. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Working Group II: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability
  41. Eco-portal's website on climate change impacts
  42. Greenpeace Climate Impacts Database
  43. Search Engine
  44. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment
  45. The Pacific Institute - Climate Change and Water
  46. BBC: Warning From the Wild: Hot Topics
  47. Union of Concerned Scientists
  48. Coral Reef Bleaching
  49. United States Geological Survey (USGS)/Global Change Research in Biology
  50. U.S. Global Change Research Program: National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change
  51. Dialogue on Water and Climate
  52. American Bird Conservancy
  53. Impacts of Climate Change from climate.org
  54. Climate Information Project (Climate Weather Impacts}
  55. United States Geological Survey (USGS)/Status and Trends of the Nation’s Biological Resources


  1. Source: USGS - Understanding Climate Change Effects on Glacier National Park's Natural Resources


  1. PAGES




  1. Table 9.1
  2. IPCC, 2001a
  3. Figure 19
  4. Technical Summary
  5. IPCC, 2001a
  6. Table 9.1
  7. IPCC, 2001a


  1. IPCC Working Group II, TAR
  2. Chapter 1
  3. Chapter 19
  4. Schneider 2003a


  1. IPCC 2001a
  2. Table 9.1
  3. Our Changing Planet
  4. Table 9.1
  5. IPCC 2001a
  6. Figure 19
  7. Technical Summary of IPCC 2001a
  8. IPCC 2001b
  9. Table 9.1
  10. UNFCCC
  11. IPCC Working Group II TAR
  12. IPCC Working Group II, TAR
  13. Chapter 1
  14. Chapter 19
  15. MIT integrated assessment group
  16. discussion of the history of abrupt climate change
  17. Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises
  18. Processes that Cause Abrupt Climate Change
  19. related materials
  20. 1996
  21. Chapter 4
  22. Abrupt Climate Change: Inevitable Surprises (2002)
  23. Yin et al., 2004
  24. Pentagon report
  25. Henry Stommel
  26. Rahmstorf (2002)
  27. IPCC Working Group II
  28. Figure SPM2
  30. IPCC Synthesis Report
  31. figure 5-2
  32. IPCC 2001b
  33. Arrow et al., 2003
  34. IPCC Synthesis Report
  35. figure 5-2








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  1. Global Commons Institute


  1. IPCC TAR Synthesis Report
  2. figure 2-7






  1. EPA ozone website
  2. NOAA ozone website
  3. Jerry Ravetz's website's
  4. discussion of post-normal science
  6. Scientists Create Highest Resolution Global Climate Simulations,
  7. Simulating the Earth's Climate
  8. Population and wealth...
  9. IPCC TAR Synthesis Report
  10. figure 2-7.
  11. Nicholls et al., 1999
  12. Office of Science and Technology
  13. Foresight website
  14. IPCC, 2001b
  15. Graves, 2003
  16. Nordhaus and Boyer, 2000
  17. "Adaptation Day at COP9" report
  18. Schlenker et al., 2003
  19. NAS, 1991
  20. Miller and Brown, 2000
  22. IPCC, 2001b
  23. NAS, 1991
  24. "How Bush and Co. Obscure the Science"
  25. Senator Byrd's May 2004 speech
  26. "US Says Misunderstood on Climate Change Policy"
  27. "The Warming Is Global but the Legislating, in the U.S., Is All Local"
  28. Kousky and Schneider, 2003
  29. "New Allies in the Energy Wars"
  30. "Region struggles on greenhouse emissions goals"
  31. "Valley firms to fight global warming"
  32. Sonoma County's climate website
  33. "Fed Up - Northeast Efforts to Reduce Greenhouse Gases Thwarted by Feds"
  34. Berlin Mandate
  35. COP3
  36. IPCC Third Assessment Report (TAR) working group (WG) III, chapter 2
  37. IPCC 2001b, chapter 19
  38. IPCC, 2001a
  39. California Climate Action Registry
  40. Green House Network
  41. Fisher (2001)


  1. Schneider and Azar (2001)
  2. IPCC 2001c, Section
  3. Lovins and Lovins (1997)
  4. Brown and Parkinson (2000)
  5. Interlaboratory Working Group, 2000
  6. Rosenfeld, 2003
  7. "Automakers Drop Suits Over Clean-Air Regulation"
  8. "Hybrid-car popularity shifts into overdrive"
  9. One Recipe for a (Mostly) Emissions-Free Economy
  10. "Proposal to Limit Oil and Coal Projects Draws Fire"
  11. Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology (BEST), 2002
  12. IPCC 2001c, chapter 8
  13. IPCC WG III, chapter 8
  14. IPCC 2001c, p. 538
  15. Scenarios for a Clean Energy Future
  16. International Project for Sustainable Energy Paths (IPSEP)
  17. "Cutting Carbon Emissions at a Profit: Opportunities for the U.S."
  18. "Cutting Carbon Emissions While Making Money"
  19. International Cooperation
  20. EU welcomes Russia's Kyoto approval
  21. rebuttal
  22. report
  23. Reuters article, "Panel: Danish Environmentalist Work 'Unscientific'"
  24. "An ill wind?"
  25. IPCC Synthesis Report, 2002
  26. Question 5
  27. IPCC (2001c)
  28. Global Commons Institute
  29. "Trading Up to Climate Security"
  30. related slide show
  31. Ashton and Wang (2003)
  32. Global Commons Institute
  33. Mastrandrea and Schneider, 2004
  34. Climate Change 2001: Summary for Policy Makers
  35. Climate Change 2001c
  36. Global Warming Central
  37. The Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  38. U.N. Framework Convention on Climate Change
  39. Kyoto Protocol
  40. Kyoto Protocol Thermometer
  41. Aspen Global Change Institute
  42. Global Commons Institute
  43. Resources for the Future (RFF) - Climate Policy
  44. Scenarios for a Clean Energy Future (CEF)
  45. Climate Registry
  46. Redefining Progress
  47. Skymetrics
  48. California Climate Action Registry


  1. www.unfccc.de
  2. see IPCC, 2001c, Chapter 8
  3. IPCC, 2001c, Chapter 8




  1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Synthesis Report
  2. SPM-3


  1. Bradley, 2003


  1. Special Report on Emission Scenarios
  2. SRES
  3. Castles and Henderson
  4. an overview of their criticism of the SRES
  5. “Hot Potato”
  6. Hot Potato Revisited
  7. Manne-Richels working paper
  8. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change SRES
  9. SRES scenarios
  10. IPCC
  11. Summary for Policy Makers
  12. figure 10a
  13. Working Group II SPM
  14. SRES
  15. IPCC Third Assessment Report
  16. Summary for Policymakers
  17. Montreal Protocol
  18. Montreal Protocol
  19. EPA ozone website
  20. NOAA ozone website
  21. IPCC
  22. Baliunas
  23. Pielke, Sr. et al.
  24. Jones et al. (2003)
  25. Cox et al. (2000)
  26. Danny Harvey website
  27. Robinson and Robinson
  28. Robinson and Robinson
  29. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Synthesis Report
  30. SPM-3
  31. climateprediction.net
  32. Nature article
  33. press release
  34. "Do-it-yourself climate prediction"
  35. SETI@home
  36. Allen, 2003
  37. IPCC Working Group I
  38. Table 9.1
  39. IPCC 2001a
  40. Hansen et al., 1996
  41. section of his website dealing with GCMs
  42. their website
  43. Caldeira et al. (2003)
  44. United States Geological Survey (USGS)/Status and Trends of the Nation's Biological Resources
  45. IPCC WGI THIRD ASSESSMENT REPORT: Summary for Policy Makers
  46. Discovery of Global Warming
  47. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  48. IPCC: Climate Change 2001: Synthesis Report
  49. IPCC 2001a: Climate Change, the Scientific Basis
  50. The National Climatic Data Center
  51. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  52. U.S. Global Change Research Program
  53. What's New
  54. Climate graphics and charts from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  55. Exploratorium — Global Climate Change
  56. Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and Research
  57. Understanding the Global Water Cycle — NASA
  58. Visible Earth/Atmosphere — NASA
  59. Atmospheric Aerosols and Their Effects on Climate — NASA
  60. Center for Ocean-Atmospheric Prediction Studies (COAPS)
  61. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA)/Ocean Currents Slow
  62. National Snow and Ice Data Center/State of the Cryosphere
  63. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Arctic Theme Page
  64. United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Global Warming Site
  65. Global Warming: Early Warning Signs - Union of Concerned Scientists
  66. United States Geological Survey (USGS)/Global Change Research in Biology
  67. U.S. Global Change Research Program: National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change





  1. IPCC
  2. Summary for Policy Makers
  3. figure 10a


  1. Soon and Baliunas, 2003
  2. press release
  3. "Warming Study Draws Fire"
  4. Bradley and Mann, 2003
  5. Appell, 2003
  6. "Nonprofits Push Controversial Climate Study"
  7. "Foes of Global Warming Theory Have Energy Ties"
  8. "Global Warming Smear Targets"
  9. Climate Research
  10. "The CR Problem"
  11. Wall Street Journal article
  12. summary of the Mann et al. versus Soon and Baliunas debate
  13. Baliunas, 2002
  14. testimony
  15. rebuttal
  16. Mann et al. (1998)
  17. McIntyre and McKitrick, 2003
  18. the most extenive of which was posted on Michael Mann's website
  19. rebuttal
  20. website
  21. USA Today op-ed
  22. Environmental Defense
  23. Jones and Mann, 2004
  24. Jones and Mann, 2004
  25. Was there a “Little Ice Age” and a “Medieval Warm Period”?
  26. Temperature Variations in Past Centuries and the so-called "Hockey Stick"
  27. Myth vs. Fact Regarding the "Hockey Stick",
  28. What If … the “Hockey Stick” Were Wrong?
  29. Lindzen et al., 2001
  30. Hartmann and Michelsen, 2002
  31. additional comments from Hartmann and Michelsen
  32. comment by Phillip Stott
  33. Crowley, 2000
  34. letter
  35. response from Shaviv and Veizer, followed by additional comments from the PICIR scientists
  36. Rahmstorf et al., 2004
  37. website
  38. Schneider, 1996a
  39. press release
  40. Spencer and Christy, 2003
  41. critique
  42. "Nothing's Changed"
  43. "Assault From Above"
  44. 1997 hearing before the Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works
  45. December 12, 2003 speech
  46. press release
  47. NPR audio report on the AGU meeting
  48. The Washington Post
  49. The Economist
  50. The American Geological Institute
  51. Grist Magazine
  52. The Guardian
  53. The New York Times Higher Education Supplement
  54. The Beagle
  55. rebuttal
  56. Lomborg's rebuttal of our review in Scientific American and Rennie's reply
  57. John Holdren's response to the rebuttal
  58. Gleick, 2001
  59. Reuters article, "Panel: Danish Environmentalist Work 'Unscientific'"
  60. Woodard, 2003
  61. Pielke Jr., 2003
  62. January 2004 Science magazine article
  63. "Sceptics, the environment needs you"
  64. "Go ahead — buy that muscle car"
  65. Michael Crichton and Global Warming
  66. Crichton Mad
  67. Berlingske Tidende)
  68. "Anger at US climate retreat"
  69. Ethan Podell's critique of the voluntary emissions scheme
  70. "The triumph of fringe science"
  71. “Carbon Gap”
  72. National Assessment of the Potential Consequences of Climate Variability and Change
  73. Climate Action Report 2002
  74. "Maine, Connecticut AGs Call on Ashcroft to Investigate White House Role in Lawsuit"
  75. related correspondence
  76. "Bush Covers up Climate Research"
  77. press release
  78. Patrick J. Michaels.
  79. "White House cuts global warming from report"
  80. "Warming Study Draws Fire"
  81. Science in Policy
  82. Sense of the Congress on Climate Change
  83. "The Shaky Science Behind the Climate Change Sense of the Congress Resolution"
  84. the original memo on the subject by Republican strategist Frank Luntz
  85. "Republicans Aim for Softer, Greener Environmental Talk"
  86. Luntzspeak.com
  87. "Vehicular Geocide - EPA Declines to Regulate Greenhouse Gases"
  88. "The Science of Climate Change"
  89. article by Chris Mooney, 2004
  90. statement by Lieberman on the amendment
  91. "Testing the Senate's Mettle"
  92. press release
  93. The Thrill of Defeat
  94. voting results
  95. Climate Stewardship Act
  96. "Housewarming - Bipartisan House bill"
  97. Barnett and Somerville, 2003
  98. an Anti-'Climate-Alarmist'
  99. "OMB Draws a Hit List of 13 Programs It Calls Failures"
  100. "Bush budget cuts environmental spending by 7 pct"
  101. article
  102. excerpts
  103. report
  104. "Now the Pentagon tells Bush: climate change will destroy us"
  105. "Hollywood disaster film set to turn heat on Bush"
  106. "New Movie Could Make Climate A Star"
  107. Rahmstorf, 1997
  108. Calvin, 1998
  109. Lemley, 2002
  110. Frank Muller
  111. Amanda Leigh Haag's
  112. Stefan Lovgren's
  113. "Abrupt Climate Change: Science, Science Fiction, and Helping the Public Distinguish Between Them"
  114. "The Day After Tomorrow: Could it Really Happen?"
  115. Worldwatch Institute
  116. weatherquestions.com
  117. The Environmental Literacy Council
  118. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute's Ocean & Climate Change Institute
  119. National Resources Defense Council (NRDC)
  120. NOAA
  121. Uncertainty in Analyzing Climate Change: Policy Implications


  1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Synthesis Report
  2. figure 2-6b



  1. Kiehl and Trenberth, 1997


  1. IPCC, Synthesis Report
  2. SPM-10b


  1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change SRES


  1. Hansen et al, 1996



  1. Global Hydrology and Climate Center - NASA, 2003


  1. Global Hydrology and Climate Center - NASA, 2003


  1. IPCC
  2. Summary for Policy Makers
  3. figure 2


  1. McIntyre and McKitrick, 2003


  1. IPCC
  2. Summary for Policy Makers
  3. SPM-2



  1. IPCC
  2. Summary for Policy Makers,
  3. figure 3


  1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  2. Working Group I
  3. Working Group II
  4. Working Group III
  5. Special Report on Emission Scenarios
  6. Kiehl and Trenberth, 1997
  7. IPCC
  8. Summary for Policy Makers
  9. figure 2
  10. Buried losses
  11. IPCC
  12. Summary for Policy Makers,
  13. figure 3
  14. IPCC
  15. Working Group I
  16. figure 1
  17. Hansen
  18. Michael Mann
  19. Jones, Osborn, and Briffa (2001)
  20. Duffy et al. (2001)
  21. IPCC
  22. Summary for Policy Makers
  23. SPM-2
  24. Working Group I Summary for Policy Makers
  25. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Synthesis Report
  26. figure 2-6b
  27. IPCC, Synthesis Report
  28. SPM-10b
  29. Hadley Center
  30. Is humankind already changing global climate?”
  31. “Causes of twentieth-century temperature change near the Earth's surface”
  32. Robinson and Robinson
  33. Pielke, Sr. et al., 2002
  34. Black Carbon Contributes To Droughts And Floods In China
  35. SRES


  1. IPCC
  2. Working Group I
  3. figure 1



  1. Professor Armin Rosencranz
  2. Coursework
  3. Stanford Bulletin


  1. Armin Rosencranz
  2. Coursework



  1. (../Graphics/CLIM.gif)
  2. kivel@stanford.edu





  1. MSNBC -- A Consensus Emerges Around Global Warming
  2. ENB COP-4 Special Events page, 11-98
  3. "Congressional Testimony: Climate Change Causes, Impacts and Uncertainties"
  4. Edge
  5. Presentation on Climate Change
  6. SHS: Seminar
  7. Carlos Seligo
  8. SHS: Interview
  9. Carlos Seligo
  10. SHS: The Global Warming Controversy -- Can we separate scientific signal from political noise?
  11. View video (requires ASX player)
  12. The Future and Natural Disasters
  13. listen to Real Audio
  14. impacts of global warming on species
  15. Modem
  16. High-Speed


  1. Presentation on Climate Change
  2. Article on climate change published on The Edge
  3. The Global Warming Controversy -- Can we separate scientific signal from political noise?
  4. View video (requires ASX player).
  5. "Schneider ponders whether scientists should advocate public policy"
  6. "Should scientists advocate public policy? Stephen Schneider ponders the ethics."
  7. "Climate Change: Causes, Impacts and Uncertainties"
  8. Values are Everything
  9. “The Case for Climate Change Action”
  10. Summary of Lieberman/McCain Draft Proposal on Climate Change
  11. The Climate Stewardship Act
  12. Emissions Trading to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States: The McCain Lieberman Proposal
  13. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
  14. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
  15. Global Warming: Finally a Hot Issue on the Political Agenda
  16. Senate Warming up to Climate Issue
  17. (Environmental Defence)
  18. Actual vote by Senators
  19. Effects of Global Warming on Plants and Animals Worldwide
  20. The Future and Natural Disasters
  21. Listen to the interview via Real Audio
  22. A Consensus Emerges Around Global Warming
  23. Xerox PARC Forum presentation
  24. impacts of global warming on species
  25. “Characterizing and Communicating Scientific Uncertainty”
  26. Journalism and Environmental Reporting
  27. SHS: Seminar
  28. Carlos Seligo
  29. SHS: Interview
  30. Carlos Seligo
  31. Modem
  32. High-Speed
  33. Special events that occured at the UNFCCC Fourth Meeting of the Conference of the Parties (COP-4)



  1. Schneider ponders whether scientists should advocate public policy
  2. Should scientists advocate public policy? Stephen Schneider ponders the ethics.
  3. “Characterizing and Communicating Scientific Uncertainty”
  4. Values are Everything, NGP, Issue 1, Spring, 1992


  2. RRRAUL Navigator


  1. Journalism and Environmental Reporting
  2. “Science Friction”
  3. “Bayesian Approaches to Characterizing Uncertainty”
  4. Environmental Literacy, a seminar session on climate change
  5. The Forgiving Air: Understanding Environmental Change
  6. review of Lomborg for Scientific American
  7. Associated Press article
  8. New York Times article
  9. Luntzspeak.com
  10. scienceinpolicy.org
  11. Union of Concerned Scientists
  12. UCS press release
  13. Scientific Integrity in Policymaking
  14. statement to Congress
  15. "Analysis of White House Claims"
  16. "Is 'global dimming' under way?"
  17. Brechin (2003)
  18. press release
  19. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  20. National Research Council
  21. MSNBC -- A Consensus Emerges Around Global Warming
  22. ENB COP-4 Special Events page, 11-98
  23. "Congressional Testimony: Climate Change Causes, Impacts and Uncertainties"
  24. Edge
  25. Presentation on Climate Change
  26. SHS: Seminar
  27. Carlos Seligo
  28. SHS: Interview
  29. Carlos Seligo
  30. SHS: The Global Warming Controversy -- Can we separate scientific signal from political noise?
  31. View video (requires ASX player)
  32. The Future and Natural Disasters
  33. listen to Real Audio
  34. Journalism and Environmental Reporting
  35. Xerox PARC Forum presentation
  36. impacts of global warming on species
  37. Modem
  38. High-Speed
  39. SHS: Environmental Literacy, a seminar session on climate change
  40. Carlos Seligo
  41. SHS interviewed by students about environmental politics
  42. Carlos Seligo
  43. Schneider ponders whether scientists should advocate public policy
  44. Should scientists advocate public policy? Stephen Schneider ponders the ethics.
  45. “Characterizing and Communicating Scientific Uncertainty”
  46. Values are Everything, NGP, Issue 1, Spring, 1992




  1. Heede (2002)




  1. http://www.nrdc.org/news/newsDetails.asp?nID=709
  2. http://www.environmentaldefense.org/pressrelease.cfm?ContentID=2167
  3. The Detroit Project






  1. The Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: Does the Bush Administration Think It Can Fool Mother Nature?
  2. Scientists and Engineers for Change
  3. Climate Change Could Have Drastic Impact on California
  5. Urgent Action Call on USA Climate
  6. How Green Was the Gipper?
  7. France Launches Radical Green Tax on Bigger Cars
  8. As the Earth Heats Up, Many Questions Remain
  9. Corporates Warm to Climate Change
  10. Stardom is a Gas for Brad and Leo
  11. Postcards From the Artic
  12. Hybrid-car Popularity Shifts Into Overdrive
  13. Hot Politics at Jasper Ridge
  14. I’m Really Very Worried for the Planet
  15. Earth Faces Sixth Mass Extinction
  16. Environmental Ills Require Immediate Action, Gore Says on Stanford Campus
  17. 'Untouched' Rainforest hit by Environmental Change. Changes in Tree Communities Underline Humans' Pervasive Influence
  18. Changing Climate: Going to Depths for Evidence of Global Warming - Heating Trend in North Pacific Baffles Researchers
  19. Corals in Hot Water
  20. More Jobs To the Gallon
  21. Plan for Rules on Cars Joins 2 Adversaries
  22. Huge Amazonian Fires May Spawn Fierce Tempests in South America
  23. Bush 'Bending Science to his Political Needs' - Scientists Accuse US of Manipulating Research
  24. New York Times article
  25. press release
  26. report
  27. statement
  28. In Follow-Up to Investor Summit on Climate Risk, California Treasurer Launches Environmental Disclosure and Investment Initiative
  29. Europe's Summers 'to get Hotter'
  30. Government begins Work on CO2 Storage Project at Teapot Dome
  31. US Science Body Warns on Climate
  32. AGU report
  33. Listening to the Climate Models, and Trying to Wake Up the World
  34. Global Warming Kills 150,000 People a Year, Warns UN
  35. New Book Demonstrates How Climate Change Impacts on Health
  36. It's Not Over 'Til the Fat Lady Sings,
  37. Hot Topic
  38. “The Case for Climate Change Action”
  39. Summary of Lieberman/McCain Draft Proposal on Climate Change
  40. The Climate Stewardship Act
  41. Emissions Trading to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States: The McCain Lieberman Proposal
  42. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
  43. National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR)
  44. Global Warming: Finally a Hot Issue on the Political Agenda
  45. Senate Warming up to Climate Issue
  46. (Environmental Defence)
  47. Actual vote by Senators
  48. Getting Warmer
  49. Dwindling Arctic Ice
  50. North Sea Faces Collapse of its Ecosystem
  51. Governors Announce Tri-State Strategy To Reduce Global Warming
  52. Guardian Unlimited Special Reports on Climate Change
  53. Americans Among Most Misinformed About Global Warming
  54. Not Just Warmer: it's the Hottest for 2,000 years
  55. Canadian Prime Minister Chrétien Unveils $1.3-billion Toward Implementing Kyoto Accord
  56. Climate Change: The Science Isn't Settled
  57. Report Faults Big Companies on Climate
  58. “Science Friction”
  59. impacts of global warming on species
  60. Reaping the Whirlwind — Extreme Weather Prompts Unprecedented Global Warming Alert
  61. U.S. and Other Countries Outline Program to Curb Carbon Emissions
  62. Report by the E.P.A. Leaves Out Data on Climate Change
  63. Survey Finds Americans Want Action on Global Warming
  64. Nonprofits Push Controversial Climate Study
  65. "This Just In ..."
  66. No Doubts Global Warming Is Real, U.S. Experts Say
  67. New Look at Satellite Data Supports Global Warming Trend
  68. "Global Warming Found to Displace Species"
  69. Black Carbon Contributes To Droughts And Floods In China
  70. Whole Earth Systems: Science, Technology and Policy -- Symposium
  71. Panel Examines Communications Difficulties When Discussing Marine Fisheries
  72. Scholars Weigh in on Implications of U.S. Power
  73. New Stanford Institute to Provide 'United Voice' on Environmental Research, Stanford Report
  74. Presentation on Climate Change
  75. Chimmneys of Mass Destruction
  76. Global Warming is Now a Weapon of Mass Destruction, The Guardian, 20 July 2003
  77. Edward T. Laroe III Memorial Award
  78. Presentation on Climate Change
  79. Two Years to Save the World?
  80. Journalism and Environmental Reporting
  81. Misleading Math About the Earth
  82. View video
  83. The Global Warming Controversy -- Can we Separate Scientific Signal From Political Noise?
  84. Bill Nye, the Science Guy, interviews SHS (Real Player video)
  85. Interview with Prof. Stephen Schneider
  86. A Consensus Emerges Around Global Warming
  87. Schneider Meets With Clinton, Gore,
  88. Congressional Testimony
  89. Science Magazine Issue on Ecology,
  90. Ecologists Warn Clinton on Global Warming,
  91. Modem
  92. High-Speed
  93. The Guardian Climate Change Reports
  94. SafeClimate News
  95. Environment Canada
  96. Grist Magazine Heat Beat
  97. U.S. EPA Global Warming -- News and Events
  98. H&S Information Systems


  1. Root
  2. paperback
  3. Climatic Change,
  4. KLUWER academic publishers
  5. (../Graphics/CLIM.gif)
  6. “Climate Change 2001: Synthesis Report,”
  7. Overview of Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability to Climate Change,
  8. “Climate Change: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability,”


  1. Presentation on Climate Change
  2. SHS: Seminar
  3. Carlos Seligo
  4. SHS: Interview
  5. Carlos Seligo
  6. SHS: The Global Warming Controversy -- Can we separate scientific signal from political noise?
  7. View video (requires ASX player)
  8. The Future and Natural Disasters
  9. listen to Real Audio
  10. Journalism and Environmental Reporting
  11. Xerox PARC Forum presentation
  12. impacts of global warming on species
  13. Modem
  14. High-Speed
  15. Kiehl and Trenberth, 1997
  16. IPCC
  17. Summary for Policy Makers
  18. figure 2
  19. IPCC
  20. Summary for Policy Makers,
  21. figure 3
  22. IPCC
  23. Synthesis Report
  24. figure 1
  25. IPCC
  26. Summary for Policy Makers
  27. SPM-2
  28. IPCC, Synthesis Report
  29. figure 2-6b
  30. IPCC, Synthesis Report
  31. SPM-10b
  32. IPCC
  33. Summary for Policy Makers
  34. figure 10a
  35. IPCC, Synthesis Report
  36. SPM-3
  37. Hansen et al, 1996
  38. IPCC WG 2 TAR,
  39. figure SPM-2
  40. Palukitof, Climate Research Unit, UEA
  41. IPCC Synthesis Report
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  45. Munich Society for Environmental Research
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  48. Source: USGS - Understanding Climate Change Effects on Glacier National Park's Natural ReSources
  49. Global Commons Institute
  50. IPCC TAR Synthesis Report
  51. figure 2-7.
  53. IPCC 2001b
  54. SPM-1
  55. IPCC 2001b
  56. IPCC 2001b
  57. SPM-2


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  2. Climate Change 2001b
  3. Climate Change 2001c
  4. Climate Change 2001d
  5. IPCC, 2000
  6. IPCC, 1996a
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  8. Summary for Policy Makers
  9. Summary for Policy Makers
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  266. http://www.gristmagazine.com/daily/daily082903.asp

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Copyright 2011, Stephen H. Schneider, Stanford University