Post-Normal Science
We must think of climate change in terms of
risk, not certainty.
As should be abundantly clear by now, when
assessing climate science, impacts and now policy issues, we are rarely
talking about certainties, but rather about risks. The climate problem,
like the ozone problem (see, e.g., the EPA ozone website
or the NOAA
ozone website) and, in fact, almost all interesting
socio-technical problems, is filled with “deep uncertainties,”
uncertainties in both probabilities and consequences that are not
resolved today and may not be resolved to a high degree of confidence
before we have to make decisions regarding how to deal with their
implications. They often involve very strong and opposite stakeholder
interests and high stakes. In fact, sociologists Funtowicz and Ravetz
(see, for example: Funtowicz and Ravetz, 1993) have called such
problems examples of “post-normal science.” In Kuhn’s “normal science” (Kuhn,
1962), we scientists go to our labs and we do our usual
measurements, calculate our usual statistics, build our usual models,
and we proceed on a particular well-established paradigm. Post-normal
science, on the other hand, acknowledges that while we’re doing our
normal science, some groups want or need to know the answers well
before normal science has resolved the deep inherent uncertainties
surrounding the problem at hand. Such groups have a stake in the
outcome and want some way of dealing with the vast array of
uncertainties, which, by the way, are not all equal in the degree of
confidence they carry. Compared to applied science and professional
consultancy, post-normal science carries both higher decision stakes
and higher systems uncertainty, as depicted in the graphic below, which
accompanies Jerry Ravetz's website's discussion of post-normal science.

The climate change debate — particularly its
policy components — falls clearly into the post-normal science
characterization and will likely remain there for decades, which is the
minimum amount of time it will take to resolve some of the larger
remaining uncertainties surrounding it, like climate sensitivity levels
and the likelihood of abrupt nonlinear events, including a possible
shutoff of the Gulf Stream in the high North Atlantic (see What
is the Probability of “Dangerous” Climate Change?).
And the climate problem emerges not simply as a
post-normal science research issue, but as a risk management policy
debate as well. Risk is classically defined as probability times
consequences. One needs both. The descriptive science — what we like to
call our “objective” purview — entails using empirical and theoretical
methods to come up with the two factors that go into risk assessment: a)
what can happen? and b) what are the odds? And both are
essential. However, it’s not as simple as it sounds, as we can't
possibly obtain empirical data about future climate change before the
fact. Our empirical data is only about the present and the past, and
therefore, the best way we can simulate the future is by constructing a
systems theory — built, of course, by aggregating empirically derived
sub-models. However, the full integrated systems model is not directly
verifiable before the fact (i.e. until the future rolls around and
proves it right or wrong — or, more likely, a mixture of both), and
thus only subjective methods are available. The degree of confidence we
may assign to any assessed risk is always subjective, since
probabilities about future events necessarily carry some subjectivity.
That doesn’t mean it is not an expert-driven assessment, but it is
still subjective. So, the big question we’re left with is: what
probabilities should we use and from whom do we obtain them?
There are also normative judgments, or value
judgments, that must be made when considering climate change policy:
what is safe and what is dangerous? The 1992 UNFCCC, which was
signed by President Bush Senior (and ratified by Congress) and the
leaders of about 170 other countries, essentially stated that it is the
job of the Framework Convention to prevent (and this is a direct quote)
“dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system” —
although nobody knows what that means! “Dangerous” is a value judgment that depends upon
the assessment of the probabilities and consequences just discussed. We
scientists can provide a range of scenarios and even assign subjective
likelihoods and confidence levels to them, but it’s up to policymakers
to decide what risks are acceptable, and which are dangerous and should
be avoided — and what course of action should be taken or not taken
either way.
The other major question in the climate change
debate is: what is fair? If a cost-benefit analysis is
performed to find the least expensive way to achieve
maximum climate abatement, it may be that in the “one dollar, one
vote” world that cost-benefit methods typically imply, some action —
passive adaptation, for example — might appear to be the most
cost-effective. But here’s the dilemma: a rich country that has
historically produced large emissions of greenhouse gases could well
find it cheaper to adapt by building seawalls, for example, than to
mitigate through an action such as retiring a few coal-burning power
plants. On the other hand, a poorer country in the hotter equatorial
area with fewer resources (and thus less adaptive capacity) might be
both more harmed by climate change and less able to pay for or
otherwise deal with the damages it causes because the country lacks the
same degree of adaptive capacity as the richer country. Thus,
adaptation might seem cheaper in a cost-benefit analysis that
aggregates all costs and benefits into equivalent dollars since the
rich country, with a much larger share of world GDP, will be able to
adapt more easily. But, that policy may not be fair in its distribution
across rich and poor countries, which is the concept behind
distributive justice/equity. Efficiency versus equity dilemmas, as just
outlined, can lead to alternative political views of what should be
done, and are also connected to the question of who should pay to abate
risks. These equity/efficiency trade-offs are inherent in the ozone
problem as well; they’re just multiplied by a much larger factor in
dealing with climate change.
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Uncertainties in Climate Change
Projections and Impacts
(See also Climate Science and Climate
It is almost tautological to note that unexpected
global changes, such as the development of the hole in the ozone layer,
are inherently difficult to predict. It is perhaps equally
non-informative to suggest that other climate “surprises” can arise in
the future. But despite the difficulty prevalent in forecasting climate
change and its consequences, it is imperative that we address the
uncertainties underlying our understanding of climate change and its
effects. Global change science and policymaking will have to deal with
uncertainty and surprise for the foreseeable future. Thus, more
systematic analyses of surprise issues and more formal and consistent
methods of incorporation of uncertainty into global change assessments
will become increasingly necessary, as exemplified in the Climate
Science and Climate Impacts sections of this website (see especially What
is the Probability of “Dangerous” Climate Change?).
Significant uncertainties plague projections of
climate change and its consequences, but one thing is known for
certain: the extent to which humans have influenced the environment
since the Victorian Industrial Revolution is unprecedented.
Human-induced climate change is projected to occur at a very rapid
rate; natural habitats will become more fragmented as land is cleared
for agriculture, settlements, and other development activities;
“exotic” species are and will continue to be imported across natural
biogeographic barriers; and we will persist in assaulting our
environment with a host of chemical agents. For these reasons, it is
essential to understand not only how much climate change is likely to
occur, but also how to estimate climate damages (see Climate
Impacts). Speculation on how the biosphere will respond to
human-induced climate change is fraught with deep uncertainty (see Root and Schneider, 2002), but as research
continues we will continue to narrow our range of plausible
The combination of increasing global population
and increasing energy consumption per capita is expected to contribute
to increasing CO2 and sulfate emissions over the next
century. However, projections of the extent and effect of the increases
are, as you might have guessed by now, very uncertain. Midrange
estimates of emissions suggest a doubling of current equivalent CO2
concentrations in the atmosphere by the middle of the 21st
century, leading to projected warming ranging from more than one degree
Celsius all the way up to six degrees Celsius by the end of the
twenty-first century (see Earth's surface temperature). Warming at
the upper end of this range is even more likely if CO2
concentrations reach triple or more their current levels, which could
occur during the 22nd century in about half the SRES
scenarios (see CO2 concentrations). While warming at the
low end of this range could still have significant implications for
species adaptation, warming of five degrees or more could have
catastrophic effects on natural and human ecosystems, including serious
coastal flooding, collapse of thermohaline circulation (THC) in the
Atlantic Ocean, and nonlinear ecosystem responses (see Reasons for climate impact concerns). The
overall cost of these impacts on “market sectors” of the economy could
easily run from tens of billions of dollars annually in the near term
up to perhaps as much as trillions of dollars by the late 21st
century (see Probability distributions (f(x)) of climate damages),
and non-market impacts (i.e., loss of human lives, loss of biodiversity
— see the Five Numeraires) could be even greater.
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Decision-Making Under Uncertainty
Debate about the level of certainty required to
reach a “firm” conclusion and make a decision is a perennial issue in
science and policymaking. The difficulties of explaining uncertainty
have become increasingly salient as politicians seek scientific advice
and societies seek political advice on dealing with global
environmental change. Policymakers struggle with the need to make
decisions that will have far-reaching and often irreversible effects on
both environment and society — against a backdrop of sparse and
imprecise information. Not surprisingly, uncertainty often enters the
decision-making process through catch-phrases like "the precautionary
principle," "adaptive environmental management," "the preventative
paradigm," or "principles of stewardship." While a preventive approach
is preferable, in my view, it entails a step that many governments have
been unwilling to make thus far. But in The
Climate Change Challenge, Grubb, 2004 reminds us: "No business
or government expects to take decisions knowing everything for certain,
and climate change embodies the same dilemmas on a global and long term
scale. Policymaking nearly always requires judgment in the fact of
uncertainty and climate change is no different. Taking no action is
itself a decision." Any shift towards prevention in environmental
policy “implies an acceptance of the inherent limitations of the
anticipatory knowledge on which decisions about environmental
[problems] are based” (Wynne,
1992). In order for such a shift to occur, we must ask two
major questions. First, how can scientists improve their
characterization of uncertainties so that areas of slight disagreement
do not become equated with major scientific disputes, which occurs all
too often in media and political debates? (See “Mediarology”.)
Second, how can policymakers synthesize this information and formulate
policy based on it?
In dealing with uncertainty in the science and
policy arenas, two options are typically available: 1) bound
the uncertainty, or 2) reduce the effects of uncertainty. The
first option involves reducing the uncertainty through data collection,
research, modeling, simulation techniques, and so forth, which is
characteristic of normal scientific study. However, the daunting
magnitude of the uncertainty surrounding global environmental change,
as well as the need to make decisions before the uncertainty is
resolved, make the first option a goal that is rarely achieved. That
leaves policymakers with the second alternative: to manage uncertainty
rather than master it. This typically consists of integrating
uncertainty directly into the policymaking process. The emphasis on
managing uncertainty rather than mastering it can be traced to work on
resilience in ecology, most notably by Holling
(1973, 1986). Resilience refers to the ability of a system to
recover from a disturbance, without compromising its overall health.
The fields of mathematics, statistics, and, more
recently, physics, have all independently and concurrently developed
methods to deal with uncertainty. Collectively, these methods offer
many powerful means and techniques climatologists can use to
conceptualize, quantify, and manage uncertainty, including frequentist
probability distributions, subjective probability, and Bayesian
statistical analysis, and even a method for quantifying ignorance. In
addition, fuzzy set logic offers an alternative to classical set theory
for situations in which the definitions of set membership are vague,
ambiguous, or non-exclusive. More recently, researchers have proposed
chaos theory and complexification theory in attempts to create models
and theories that expect the unexpected (see the discussion and
references in Schneider,
Turner and Morehouse Gariga, 1998, from which much of this
section has been derived). More work must be done to assure that these
methods, especially subjective probability and Bayesian statistical
analysis, are widely accepted and used in climate change modeling.
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in Integrated Assessment Models (IAMs) of Climate Change
Strictly speaking, a surprise is an unanticipated
outcome. Potential climate change, and more broadly, global
environmental change, is replete with this kind of truly unexpected
surprise because of the enormous complexities of the processes and
interrelationships involved (such as coupled ocean, atmosphere and
terrestrial systems) and our insufficient understanding of them (see,
for example, Climate Surprises and a Wavering Gulf Stream?).
1996a), “surprises” are defined as rapid, nonlinear responses
of the climatic system to anthropogenic forcing, such as the collapse
of the “conveyor belt” circulation in the North Atlantic Ocean (Rahmstorf,
2000) or rapid deglaciation of polar ice sheets. Unfortunately,
most climate change assessments rarely consider low-probability,
high-consequence extreme events. Instead, they consider several
scenarios thought to “bracket the uncertainty” rather than to
explicitly integrate unlikely surprise events from the tails of the
distribution associated with the assessment. Structural changes in
political or economic systems and regime shifts, such as a change in
public consciousness regarding environmental issues, are not even
considered in most scenarios.
Integrated assessments of global change
disturbances involve “end-to-end” analyses of relationships and data
from the physical, biological and social sciences (e.g., see the
reviews and references in Weyant
et al. (1996), Morgan
and Dowlatabadi (1996), Rotmans
and van Asselt (1996), Parson
(1996), Rothman and Robinson (1997), and Schneider
(1997b). Often, data or processes are collected or simulated
across vastly different scales — for example, consumption at national
scales and consumer preferences at family scales, or species
competition at a field plot the size of a tennis court and species
range boundaries at a scale of half a continent, or thunderstorms in
ten-kilometer squares and grid cells of a global climate model in
squares hundreds of kilometers in length, or the response of a plant in
a meter-square chamber to increased concentrations of CO2
and the response of an ecosystem to CO2 at biome scales of
thousands of kilometers. Not only must individual disciplines concerned
with the impacts of global change disturbances — like altered
atmospheric composition or land use and land cover changes — often deal
with orders of magnitude of difference in spatial scales, but
integrated studies must bridge scale gaps across disciplinary
boundaries as well (see, e.g., Root
and Schneider, 2003, from which much of this discussion is
adapted). For instance, how can a conservation biologist interested in
the impacts of climate change on a mountaintop-restricted species scale
down climate change projections from a climate model whose smallest
resolved element is a grid square that is 250 kilometers on a side? Or,
how can a climate modeler scale up knowledge of evapotranspiration
through the sub-millimeter-sized stomata of forest leaves into the
hydrological cycle of the climate model, which is resolved at hundreds
of kilometers? The former problem is known as downscaling (see, e.g. Easterling
et al., 2001), and the latter, up-scaling (see, e.g. Harvey,
2000b). This cross-disciplinary aspect can be particularly
daunting when different scales are inherent in different
sub-disciplines. Scaling problems are particularly likely when the
boundary between natural and social science is crossed. Only a greater
understanding of the methods and traditions of each of these
sub-disciplines by practitioners in the others will help to facilitate
boundary-bridging across very different disciplines operating at very
different scales.
Scaling in Natural Science Forecast Models.
First, let us consider natural scientific scale bridging. For a
forecasting model to be credible, it must analytically solve a
validated, process-based set of equations accounting for the
interacting phenomena of interest. The classical reductionist
philosophy in science is a belief that laws (i.e., the laws of physics)
apply to phenomena at all scales. If such laws can be found (usually at
small scales), then the solution of the equations that represent such
laws will provide reliable forecasts at all scales. This assumes, of
course, that those laws are applicable to all of the phenomena
incorporated into the model.
The philosophy behind most climatic models is
that solutions to the energy, momentum, and mass conservation equations
should, in principle, provide credible forecasting tools. Of course, as
all climate modelers have readily admitted for decades (e.g. SMIC,
1972, and IPCC
1996a), this “first principles,” bottom-up approach suffers
from a fundamental practical limitation: the coupled nonlinear
equations that describe the physics of the air, seas, and ice are far
too complex to be solved by any known (or foreseeable) analytic (i.e.,
exact) technique. Therefore, methods of approximation are applied in
which the continuous differential equations (i.e., the laws upon which
small-scale physical theory comfortably rest) are replaced with
discrete, numerical, finite difference equations. The smallest resolved
spatial element of these discrete models is known as a grid cell.
Because the grid cells are larger than some important small-scale
phenomena, such as the condensation of water vapor into clouds or the
influence of a tall mountain on wind flow or the evapotranspiration
from a patch of forest, “sub-grid scale” phenomena cannot be explicitly
included in the model. In order to implicitly
incorporate the effects of an important sub-grid scale
phenomenon into a model, top-down techniques are used, in which a mix
of empiricism and fine-resolution, scale-up sub-models are applied.
From this, we can create a parametric representation, or
“parameterization,” of the influence of sub-grid scale processes at
larger scales. Determining whether it is even possible in principle to
find valid parameterizations has occupied climate modelers for decades
(see Climate Modeling).
In order to estimate the ecological consequences
of hypothesized climate change at small scales, a researcher must first
translate his/her large-scale climate change forecast to a smaller
scale. For an idea of the enormity (literally!) of this task, it could
involve translating climate information at a 200x200 kilometer grid
scale to, perhaps, a 20x20 meter field plot — a ten-thousand-fold
interpolation! Therefore, how can climatologists possibly map
grid-scale projections to landscapes or even smaller areas?
At the outset, one might ask why the atmospheric
component of such detailed climate models, known as general circulation
models (GCMs), use such coarse horizontal resolution. This is easy to
understand given the practical limitations of modern, and even
foreseeable, computer hardware resources (see, e.g., Trenberth,
A 50 x 50 kilometer scale in a model falls into
the range known as “the mesoscale” in meteorology. If such a resolution
were applied over the entire earth, then the amount of time required
for one of today's “super computers” to run a year's worth of weather
data for it would be on the order of many days. (For example, to run
the NCAR CCM3 at 50 km (T239) for a year, using an IBM SP3 and 64
processors, takes 20 wall-clock days. This is not running it with a
full ocean model, but with fixed Sea Surface Temperature (SST) data
sets. Such tests are run, e.g., at Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory; see Scientists Create Highest Resolution Global Climate
Simulations,.and Simulating the Earth's Climate.) 50 kilometers
is still roughly a hundred times greater than the size of a typical
cloud, a thousand times greater than the typical scale of an ecological
study plot, and even greater orders of magnitude larger than a dust
particle on which raindrops condense. Therefore, in the foreseeable
future, it is inevitable that climate change information will not be
produced directly from the grid cells of climate models at the same
scale that most ecological information is gathered, nor will climate
models be able to accurately account for some sub-grid-scale phenomena,
such as cloudiness or evapotranspiration from individual plants — let
alone leaves! However, the usual scale mismatch between climate and
ecological models has caused some ecologists to attempt to produce
large-scale ecological studies and some climatologists to shrink the
grid sizes of their climate models. Root and Schneider, 1993, have argued that both are required, as are accurate
techniques for bridging the scale gaps, which, unfortunately, will
exist for at least several more decades.
In order for action to be taken to avoid or correct potential
risks to environment or society, it is often necessary to establish that a trend
has been detected in some variable of importance - the first arrival of a spring
migrant or the latitudinal extent of the sea ice boundary, for example - and
that that trend can be attributed to some causal mechanism like a warming of
the globe from anthropogenic greenhouse gas increases. Pure association of trends
are not, by themselves, sufficient to attribute any detectable change above
background noise levels to any particular cause; explanatory mechanistic models
are needed in order to obtain a high confidence level about whether a particular
impact can be pinned on the suspected causal agent. Root and Schneider, 1995 argued that conventional
scaling paradigms — top-down associations among variables believed to
be cause-and-effect and bottom-up mechanistic models run to predict associations
but for which there is no large-scale data time series to confirm — are
not by themselves sufficient to provide high confidence in cause-and-effect
relationships embedded in integrated assessments. Rather, a cycling between
top-down associations and bottom-up mechanistic models is needed. Moreover,
we cannot assign high confidence to cause-and-effect claims until repeated cycles
of testing in which mechanistic models predict and large-scale data “verifies”
that a claim is correct. There should also be a degree of convergence in the
cycling (Root and Schneider,
Modellers continue to attempt to model more regional climate
change, despite the difficulties. The European Union has provided $4.2 million
in funding to a project called Prudence, which is working with various models
to assess climate change in Europe (see Schiermeier, 2004b and a clarification of Schiermeier's
disussion of the role of the US National Assessment of the Potential Consequences
of Climate Variability and Change (USNA) by MacCracken et al., 2004). Modellers in America and
Canada are now seeking funding of their own to establish a similar organization.
Such regional modelling is still in its early stages of development but is definitely
a step in the right direction.
Strategic Cyclical Scaling.
Root and Schneider, 1995 called this iterative cycling process
“strategic cyclical scaling” (SCS). The motivation behind development
of the SCS paradigm stemmed from the need for: (1) better explanatory
capabilities for multi-scale, multi-component interlinked environmental
models (e.g., climate-ecosystem interactions or behavior of adaptive
agents in responding to the advent or prospect of climatic changes);
(2) more reliable impact assessments and problem-solving capabilities -
predictive capacity - as has been requested by the policy community;
and (3) the insufficiency of both bottom-up and top-down modeling
approaches by themselves.
SCS (see Root
and Schneider, 2003), from which much of this section is
derived), both macro (top-down) and micro (bottom-up) approaches are
to address a practical problem — in our original context, the
ecological consequences of global climatic change. Large-scale
associations are used to focus small-scale investigations so that the
valid causal mechanisms generating the large-scale relationships will
be found and applied. The large-scale relationships become the
systems-scale “laws” that allow climatologists or ecologists to make
more credible
forecasts of the consequences of global change disturbances. “Although
it is well understood that correlations are no substitute for
mechanistic understanding of relationships,” Levin,
1993 observed, “correlations can play an invaluable role in
suggesting candidate mechanisms for (small-scale) investigation.” SCS,
however, is not only intended as a two-step process, but rather a
continuous cycling between large- and small-scaled studies, with each
successive investigation building on previous insights from all scales.
This paradigm is designed to enhance the credibility of the overall
assessment process, including policy analyses, which is why it is also
called “strategic.” I believe that SCS is a more scientifically viable
and cost-effective means of improving the credibility of integrated
assessment compared to isolated pursuit of either the scale-up or
scale-down methods.
Though SCS seems to be a more well-rounded
approach, it is by no means simple. The difficulty in applying SCS is
knowing when the process has converged, for that requires extensive
testing against some applicable data that describes important aspects
of the system being modeled. When the model is asked to project the
future state of the socio-environmental system, only analogies
from past data can be used for testing since there is no
empirical data,.
Therefore, assessing “convergence” will require judgments as well as
empirical determinations, as discussed below.
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Climate Damages and the
Discount Rate
Rate of forcing matters. Even the
most comprehensive coupled-system models are likely to have
unanticipated results when forced to change very rapidly by external
disturbances like CO2 and aerosols. Indeed, some of the
transient coupled atmosphere-ocean models which are run for hundreds of
years into the future exhibit dramatic change to the basic climate
state (see Climate Surprises and a Wavering Gulf Stream?).
Estimating Climate Damages. A critical issue in climate change policy is
costing climatic impacts, particularly when the possibility for
nonlinearities, surprises, and irreversible events is allowed. The
assumptions made when carrying out such estimations largely explain why
different authors obtain different policy conclusions (see Dangerous Climate Impacts and the Five Numeraires).
One way to assess the costs of climate change is
to evaluate the historic losses from extreme climatic events, such as
floods, droughts, and hurricanes (Alexander et al., 1997). Humanity remains
vulnerable to extreme weather events. Catastrophic floods and droughts
are cautiously projected to increase in both frequency and intensity
with a warmer climate and the influence of human activities such as
urbanization, deforestation, depletion of aquifers, contamination of
ground water, and poor irrigation practices (see IPCC: 1996a,
2001b, and the table Projected
effects of global warming). The financial services
sector has taken particular note of the potential losses from climate
change. Losses from weather-related disasters in the 1990s were eight
times higher than in the 1960s. Although there is no clear evidence
that hurricane frequency has changed over the past few decades (or will
change in the next few decades), there is overwhelming data that
damages from such storms has increased astronomically (see figure
below). Attribution of this trend to changes in socioeconomic factors
(e.g., economic growth, population growth and other demographic
changes, or increased penetration of insurance coverage) or to an
increase in the occurrence or intensity of extreme weather events, as a
result of global climate change, is uncertain and controversial.
(Compare Vellinga et al., which acknowledges both
influences and recognizes the difficulty in attribution, to Pielke Jr. and Landsea, 1998, which, in the
context of hurricane damage, dismisses any effects of climate change
and says increased damages result solely from richer people moving into
harm’s way. However, Pielke and Downton, 2000, do suggest that for
non-coastal casualty losses, climate is a partial factor — see “Population and wealth...”.)

Figure —
The economic losses from catastrophic weather events
have risen globally 10-fold (inflation-adjusted) from the 1950s to the 1990s,
much faster than can be accounted for with simple inflation. The insured portion
of these losses rose from a negligible level to about 23% in the 1990s. The
total losses from small, non-catastrophic weather-related events (not included
here) are similar. Part of this observed upward trend in weather-related disaster
losses over the past 50 years is linked to socio-economic factors (e.g., population
growth, increased wealth, urbanization in vulnerable areas), and part is linked
to regional climatic factors (e.g., changes in precipitation, flooding events). (Source: IPCC TAR Synthesis Report, figure 2-7.)
Many projections have been made regarding the extent of
future climate-related damages. For example, Nicholls et al., 1999 project that if fossil fuel
usage continues to grow at the current rate and climate changes as they expect,
by 2080, the number of additional people affected by flooding in delta areas
like the Nile, the Mekong, and Bangladesh and in coastline cities and villages
in India, Japan, and the Philippines would be in the hundreds of millions (assuming
no adaptation measures are implemented). Using four different emissions scenarios,
researchers at the UK's Office of Science and
Technology (OSTP) concluded that by 2080, the combination of sea level
rise and increased stormy weather will likely cause storm surges to hit areas
farther inland and could have the potential to increase flood risk to as much
as 30 times present levels. In the worst-case scenario, serious storms that
now occur only about once per century would become recurring events, coming
every three years. Under this scenario, British inhabitants at risk of serious
flooding would more than double to 3.5 million, and weather-related damages
would skyrocket (see the UK's OSTP Foresight website, which is home to the Flood and
Coastal Defense project).
An assumption in cost-benefit calculations within the standard
assessment paradigm is that “nature” is either constant or irrelevant.
Since “nature” falls out of the purview of the market, cost-benefit
analyses typically ignore its non-market value. For example, ecological services
such as pest control and waste recycling are omitted from most assessment calculations
(Vellinga et al., 2001). Implicitly, this assumes that
the economic value of ecological services is negligible or will remain unchanged
with human disturbances. However, many authors have acknowledged that natural
systems are likely to be more affected than social ones (see Root et al., 2003 and IPCC, 2001b). Recent assessments of the value of ecosystem
services (e.g., Daily and Ellison, 2002) acknowledge the tremendous
public good (i.e., free) provided, not to mention the recreational and aesthetic
value. For example, a cost-assessment study done in New York discovered that
paying residents and farmers in the Catskills to reduce toxic discharges and
other environmental disruptions would provide a natural water purification service,
producing savings to New York City on the order of billions of dollars relative
to building new water treatment plants. Furthermore, it is highly likely that
communities of species will be disrupted, especially if climate change occurs
in the middle to upper range projected (Root and Schneider, 2002). These costs are rarely
included in most cost-benefit calculations.
Cost-benefit analyses can be flawed in other ways, too.
Phillip E. Graves, an economist at the University of Colorado at Boulder, also
believes that the public-good nature of environmental goods causes difficulties
in valuing them and thus in finding solutions for environmental problems. He
argues that if people could pay for public goods like environmental protection
in the same way that they pay for private goods -- i.e., from income -- then
they would divert some of their spending from private to public goods, by making
a different balance between income and leisure then they are now able to make.
But since people know they can't buy public goods in the market, they don't,
in this kind of CBA, devote income toward them; such miscalculation causes most
economists to come up with artificially low "optimal" levels of public goods
(see Graves, 2003).
The discount rate. Discounting
plays a crucial role in the economics of climate change, yet it is a
highly uncertain techniquer. Discounting is a method to aggregate costs
and benefits over a long time horizon by summing net costs (or
benefits), which have been subjected to a discount rate typically
greater than zero, across future time periods. If the discount rate
equals zero, then each time period is valued equally (case of infinite
patience). If the discount rate is infinite, then only the current
period is valued (case of extreme myopia). The discount rate chosen in
assessment models is critical, since abatement costs will be typically
incurred in the relatively near term, but the brunt of climate damages
will be realized primarily in the long term. Thus, if the future is
sufficiently discounted, present abatement costs, by construction, will
outweigh discounted future climate damages. The reason is, of course,
that discount rates will eventually reduce future damage costs to
negligible present values.
Consider a climate impact that would cost 1 billion dollars
200 years from now. A discount rate of 5% per year would make the present value
of that future cost equal to $58,000. At a discount rate of 10% per year, the
present value would only be $5. Using a higher discount rate will result in
more damaging effects than a lower rate. As Perrings,
2003 notes, "The effect of discounting is both to increase the potential
for unexpected future costs, and to eliminate those costs from consideration."
Changes in the discount rate largely explain why some authors (Nordhaus,
1994b; Nordhaus and Yang, 1996; Manne and Richels, 1997; and Nordhaus and Boyer, 2000) using large discount rates
conclude that massive CO2 emission increases are socially beneficial
— i.e., more economically efficient than cuts — whereas others (Cline, 1992; Azar and Sterner, 1996; Hasselmann et al., 1997; Schultz and Kasting, 1997; Mastrandrea and Schneider, 2001; Lind, 1982)
using low or zero discount rates justify substantial emission reductions, even
when using similar damage functions (Portney and Weyant, 1999) Note 1.
It would seem that the appropriate discount rate
would be a matter of empirical determination, but in reality, choosing
a discount rate involves a serious normative debate about how to value
the welfare of future generations relative to current ones. Moreover,
it requires that this generation estimate what kinds of goods and
services future generations will value — e.g., how they will want to
make trade-offs between material wealth and environmental
There are two basic methods for deciding on a
discount rate. The descriptive approach chooses a discount rate
based on observed market interest rates in order to ensure that
investments are made in the most profitable projects. Supporters of
this approach often argue that using a market-based discount rate is
the most efficient way to allocate scarce resources used for competing
priorities, one of which is mitigating the effects of climate change.
The prescriptive approach emphasizes that
the choice of discount rate entails a judgment about how the future
should be valued. Proponents of intergenerational equity often argue
that it is difficult to find an argument supporting the discounting of
the welfare of future generations. Why should future people count less
just because they don't exist today?
Although these two approaches are the most
commonly used to pick discount rates for use in IAMs of climate change,
alternative discount methods have been proposed (see Schneider and Kuntz-Duriseti, 2002, from
which much of this section has been derived — further references can be
obtained from that chapter). There is empirical evidence to suggest
that individuals exhibit “hyperbolic discounting”, where discount rates
decline over time, with higher-than-market discount rates in the short
run and lower-than-market discount rates over the long term (Ainslie,
1991). This behavior is consistent with a common finding that
“human response to a change in a stimulus is inversely proportional to
the preexisting stimulus” (Heal,
1997). Hyperbolic discounting can be derived from both the
descriptive and the prescriptive approach and is obtained when discount
rates fall over time. This can be modeled in IAMs with a logarithmic
discount factor or by assuming that per capita income grows
logistically (i.e., diminishes over time) over the next century; since
the discount rate is proportional to growth rates, declining discount
rates are obtained. (See the strong case made
for declining discount rates in Weitzman,
Furthermore, if climate change is extremely
severe, such that future income falls rather than grows (the latter is
assumed in almost all IAMs), then the discount rate could be negative,
provided that the rate of time preference is sufficiently low (Azar and Johansson, 1996). In this case,
future welfare should be valued more than
the present. (For a definition of rate of time preference, see the
latter part of the discussion on Climate Surprises in What
is the Probability of “Dangerous” Climate Change?.)
Agency. The predominant
approach to the discounting problem is based on an infinitely-lived
representative agent (ILA) who maximizes utility from a future welfare
stream subject to economic and environmental conditions, usually
assumed to be known. The representative agent framework imposes strong
assumptions regarding intergenerational fairness (Solow,
1974a; and Solow,
1974b). An alternative modeling paradigm, the overlapping
generations (OLG) model, differentiates between individual time
preference and intergenerational equity (whereas this distinction is
suppressed in the ILA model) and endogenizes the choice of the discount
rate (Howarth 2000; Gerlagh and van der Zwaan, 2001). A
distinctive characteristic of OLG models, unlike infinitely-lived agent
models in most IAMS, is that the OLG framework explicitly models the
existence of generations, who work and save when young and consume
savings, or “dissave,” when old. Thus, the two modeling frameworks
represent quite different conceptions of intergenerational equity. The
policy recommendations derived from the OGM differ fundamentally from
ILA model, including, but not limited to, higher carbon emission
abatement today. (However, Manne and Stephan, 1999 show that under
certain specific restrictions, the results from the ILA and the OGM
models concur.)
Much discussion has taken place in recent years
on the subject of adaptation to climate change (see the "Adaptation
Day at COP9" report). The overwhelming consensus opinion seems
to be that adaptation has its dangers/downfalls but also has potential,
but it should be proposed as a complement to mitigation, not a
substitute for it.
One danger is that natural variability
masks climate trends and delays adaptation. One of the major
differences in estimates of climatic impacts is due to the way in which
each impact assessment model treats adaptation to climate change.
Adaptation is a local response to a global-scale change. When assessing
adaptation, it has often been assumed that agriculture is the most
vulnerable economic market sector to climate change. For decades,
agronomists have calculated potential changes to crop yields from
various climate change scenarios, suggesting some regions that are
already too hot would sustain heavy losses from warming whereas others,
now too cold, could gain (Rosenzweig and Parry, 1994) Note 2.
Norman Rosenberg (e.g., Rosenberg and Scott, 1994) has long argued
that such agricultural impact studies implicitly invoke the “dumb
farmer assumption; that is, they neglect the fact that farmers do adapt to changing market,
technological, and climatic conditions. Some agricultural
economists argue that such adaptations will dramatically reduce the
climate impact costs to other market sectors as well, including
transportation, coastal protection, and energy. Ecologists and some
social scientists, however, often dispute this optimism. Michael
Hanemann (Hanemann, 2000) notes that Mendelsohn et al., 1994 confound the normative
statement that public policy should encourage efficient
adaptation with the positive statement that adaptation will be
efficient: “it is a large leap to go from the observation that there
will be some adaptation to the inference that there will be perfectly
efficient adaptation” (p. 575). Schlenker et al., 2003, go beyond this and
show empirically that the failure to disaggregate cross-sectional data
into irrigated and non-irrigated farmland can actually reverse the
Mendelsohn results and produce only losses, not gains. Furthermore, I
have objected that the statistical analysis Mendelsohn et al. used ignores time-evolving
or transient changes in temperature and other variables, not to mention
surprises (see the “ergodic economics” section of Schneider,
1997b). Assuming a high level of adaptation neglects such real
world problems as people's resistance to trying unfamiliar practices,
problems with new technologies, unexpected pest outbreaks, and the high
degree of natural variability of weather that masks slowly-evolving,
anthropogenically-induced trends.
In reality, adaptations to slowly-evolving trends
embedded in a noisy background of inherent variability are likely to be
delayed by decades (Kaiser et al., 1993; Schneider, 1996c; Morgan and Dowlatabadi, 1996; Kolstad et al., 1999, and Schneider, Easterling and Mearns, 2000) Note 3.
Moreover, were agents to mistake background variability for trend or
vice versa, the possibility of adapting to the wrong set of climatic
cues arises. In particular, agents might be more influenced by regional
anomalies of the recent past when projecting future trends and deciding
on adaptation measures. They may be unaware that a very recent
weather/climate experience in one region may well be anomalous and
largely uncorrelated with long-term, global-scale trends or may be part
of a transient response that will reverse later on. This could lead to
mal-adaptation, which only increases damages, especially in
high-vulnerability regions that already have low adaptive capacity.
Passive versus anticipatory adaptation.
In an early intercomparison of climate change, ozone depletion and acid
rain problems, Starley Thompson and I (Schneider and Thompson, 1985)
differentiated passive adaptation (e.g., buying more water rights to
offset impacts of a drying climate) from “anticipatory” adaptation. We
suggested a hedging strategy that consisted of investing in a vigorous
research and development program for low-carbon energy systems in anticipation of the possibility
that they would need to be used to reduce CO2 emissions in
the decades ahead. The idea is that it would be cheaper to switch to
systems that were better developed as a result of such anticipatory
investments. Proactive adaptation (e.g., building a dam a few meters
higher in anticipation of an altered future climate) has been prominent
in most formal assessments of anthropogenic climate change since then (NAS,
1991) Note
Nearly all modern integrated assessments either explicitly
(Rosenberg, 1993) Note 5
or implicitly (Schneider, 1996c) attempt to incorporate adaptation,
albeit mostly passive Note 6.
While these studies should be applauded for attempting to recognize and quantitatively
evaluate the implications of adaptive responses on the impact costs of different
climate change scenarios, serious problems with data, theory, and method remain
(Schlenker et al., 2003). It is imperative that analyses
incorporate a wide range of assumptions (Carter et al., 1994) Note 7
and that both the costs and benefits of climate change scenarios be presented
as statistical distributions based on a wide range of subjective probability
estimates (Yohe, 1991)
Note 8.
Groups' or regions' varying abilities to adapt must also be considered, and
policies should aim to protect or assist the groups most at risk (Miller and Brown, 2000). Perrings,
2003 suggests achieving an ideal climate policy involves balancing the
marginal costs of adaptation and mitigation. Because adaptation produces more
local results relative to mitigation, private individuals/firms have more incentive
to implement such actions, as they will benefit from them and need not be concerned
by the "free rider problem" (because adaptation mostly happens at a local scale).
However, it is important that adaptation be treated not
as a replacement for, but as a complement to abatement. As discussed in Consequences of global warming: Regional Impacts,
if a nation with high emissions chooses only to adapt, the extra climate change
those emissions cause will likely hurt lower-emitting, poorer countries disproportionately.
In addition, adaptation cannot prevent climate change; it can only help
to reduce the effects on humans, and in cases of serious climate change-induced
events, it may not even be able to do that.
Go to top
Uncertainty and Multiple Equilibria
Low-probability and catastrophic events, as well as evidence
of multiple equilibria in the climate system, are of key concern in the climate
debate. So, too, are threats to unique and valuable systems and the inequitable
impacts of unabated climate changes. (See the figure
climate change impacts in Climate Impacts, taken from
IPCC WG II, SPM (IPCC, 2001b).) There are great uncertainties on the impacts
side as well as the climate system projections side, which means there is probably
some risk of dangerous events even for seemingly low CO2 stabilization
targets (Azar
and Rodhe, 1994;
Mastrandrea and Schneider, 2004).
As complicated as each subsystem is by itself, the coupling
of the atmosphere, ocean, ice, land, biota, and society systems that comprise
the full coupled human-natural system can lead to interactions that create behaviors
(often known in complexity theory as “emergent properties”) not
evident when studying only one or two of the subsystems in isolation.
Many climatologists have asserted that the effects of climate
change on one such interaction could lead to a collapse of the Atlantic thermohaline
circulation (see "Climate Surprises and a Wavering Gulf Stream?" and
the Figure Atlantic thermohaline circulation). The rate at which
the warming forcing is applied to the coupled system could determine which of
these opposing feedbacks dominates, and subsequently whether a THC collapse
occurs (e.g., see the “simple climate demonstrator” (SCD) model
of Schneider and Thompson, 2000, their figure 10).
While this and other possible consequences of climate
change on coupled systems would be extremely severe, the bulk of integrated assessment
models used to-date for climate policy analysis do not include any such abrupt
nonlinear processes and will not be able to alert the policymaking community to
the importance of abrupt nonlinear behaviors. A few models have looked at very
nonlinear damages and these are described in the next section, Guidance on
Uncertainties. At the very least, the ranges of estimates of future climate
damages should be expanded beyond that suggested in conventional analytic tools
to account for such nonlinear behaviors (e.g., Moss and Schneider, 2000).
Go to top
Guidance on Uncertainties
Attempts to achieve more consistency in assessing and reporting
on uncertainties are just beginning to receive increasing attention. However,
the scientific complexity of the climate change issue and the need for information
that is useful for policy formulation present a large challenge to researchers
and policymakers alike: it requires both groups to work together to improve
communication regarding uncertainties. The research community must also bear
in mind that when scientists do not specify probability distributions in their
work on climate change, policymakers and other readers of their work will often
have to guess what those probabilities are. Moss and Schneider have argued that it is by far more
beneficial for experts to provide their best estimates of climate change probability
distributions and highlight possible outlier situations than to leave novice
users to make their own determinations. That guidance paper on uncertainties,
included in the IPCC Third Assessment Report, recommends that scientists develop
probability distribution estimates based on the ranges and distributions available
in recent climate change literature, including information on the key
causes of uncertainty. An assessment should include a measure of the median
of the distribution (if appropriate), as well as a delineation of the end points
of the range of outcomes, possible outliers, and the likelihood of outcomes
beyond the end points of the range. Truncating
the estimated probability distribution should be avoided, since this may narrow
the range of outcomes too much and ignore outliers that may include “surprises.”
In short, a truncated probability distribution does not convey to potential
users the full range of uncertainty associated with the estimate. Furthermore,
it can be inappropriate to combine two or more different distributions into
one summary distribution if the two distributions have very different shapes.
As shown in the figure below, uncertainty can be decomposed
into three ranges. The smallest range represents “well-calibrated”
uncertainty, which is based on conventional modeling literature. The middle
range represents “judged” uncertainty, which is based on expert
judgments -- including factors not well-represented in models. However,
the judged range (e.g. ) may not encompass the "full" and largest range
of uncertainty, which takes into account the possibility of cognitive biases
such as overconfidence (see M1 to M4).
New information, particularly reliable and comprehensive empirical data, may
eventually narrow the range of uncertainty by falsifying certain outlier values.

Figure — Schematic depiction of the relationship
between “well-calibrated” scenarios, the wider range of “judged”
uncertainty that might be elicited through decision analytic techniques, and
the “full” range of uncertainty, which is wider to represent overconfidence
in human judgments. M1
to M4 represent
scenarios produced by four models (e.g., globally averaged temperature increases
from an equilibrium response to doubled CO2 concentrations). This lies within
a “full” range of uncertainty that is not fully identified, much
less directly quantified by existing theoretical or empirical evidence (modified
from Jones, 2000, Figure 2.2 by Schneider and Kuntz-Duriseti, 2002)
Aggregation and the Cascade of Uncertainty.
A single aggregated damage function or a "best guess" climate sensitivity estimate
is simply a truncation of the wide range of beliefs on climate sensitivity or
impacts available in the literature and among the lead authors of IPCC reports.
The aggregate distribution based on that climate sensitivity estimate might
have very different characteristics than the various distributions comprising
the links of the chain of causality. Thus, if the projected ranges used in impact
assessment are poorly managed, they may inadvertently propagate additional uncertainty.
The process whereby uncertainty accumulates throughout the process of climate
change prediction and impact assessment has been described as a “cascade
of uncertainties,” or the “uncertainty explosion.” The cascade
of uncertainty resulting from coupling the separate probability distributions
for emissions, biogeochemical cycles (used to arrive at concentrations needed
to calculate radiative forcing), climate sensitivity, climate impacts, and the
valuation of such impacts into climate damage functions has yet to be thoroughly
dissected in the literature (but see Webster et al., 2003, for an early attempt). If an
assessment goes on to project economic and social outcomes, even larger ranges of uncertainty may accumulate
(see Cascade of uncertainties and Climate Impacts).
On the other hand, governance can arrest the growing cascade: policies to mitigage
risks coulc be implemented, thereby shrinking the cascade.
Hedging. In essence, the “bottom
line” of estimating climatic impacts is that both the "end of the world”
and the “it is good for business” scenarios carry the lowest probabilities,
and that the vast bulk of knowledgeable scientists and economists consider there
to be a significant chance of climatic damage to both natural and social systems
(see, for example, the figures Probability distributions (f(x)) of climate damages,
Cascade of uncertainties and Three climate sensitivities). Under conditions of
persistent uncertainty, it is not surprising that most formal climatic impact
assessments have called for cautious but positive steps both to slow down the
rate at which humans modify the climatic system and to make natural and social
systems more resilient to whatever changes do eventually materialize (NAS,
1991) Note
3. Unsurprisingly, such assessments also call for more research
to narrow uncertainties—and who could disagree, unless “more research”
is used as an excuse to avoid positive steps to reduce risk (see a November
2002 Revkin
story in the N.Y. Times on the Bush administration's plans). Holdren,
2004 has argued that even if there is only a 50% chance (and the figure
is likely higher) that mainstream climatologists' projections are right, it
would justify more stringent abatement and other risk-reduction efforts than
are currently being employed.
In many sectors, including business, health and security,
policymakers prefer to hedge against low-probability but high-consequence outcomes.
When it comes to climate change, many businesspeople, including insurance industry
leaders and institutional investors (see Feder,
2003 and John
Holdren's 2003 presentation at the Institutional Investors' Summit on Climate
Risk), are sounding alarms and encouraging a hedging strategy, but still,
it seems that many governments have not heeded their warnings. This is especiallly
true in the U.S. (see an article in the Washington Post by former EPA employee
Jeremy Symons, "How Bush and Co. Obscure the Science"), which seems
particularly ironic given Bush's insistence that the US work toward energy supply
security (see an AESR Briefing
Paper). When it comes to energy, Senator Robert Byrd (D - WV) believes
"the Bush White House is stuck in short-sighted high-risk initiatives which
seem largely guided by big dollar campaign contributors...[and] appears to see
energy policy as a way to reward its friends while sidestepping the serious,
lingering challenges that face this country and, in fact, the world." (See Senator Byrd's May 2004 speech from which this quote
was taken.) In fact, the Bush Administration has taken a step backward by not
only relaxing environmental standards, but by censoring some climate information
altogether (see Contrarians).
I think US senior climate change negotiator Harlan Watson was, sadly, correct
when, in referring to President Bush's 2004 campaign against John Kerry, he
said: "'Environment is really not a point. In the end, it is the economics and
the Middle East in particular that is the focus of the American public." (See
"US Says Misunderstood on Climate Change Policy".)
Actions have, however, been taken at smaller scales (see
"The Warming Is Global but the Legislating, in the U.S., Is All
Local"; also Kousky and Schneider,
2003). In the absence of federal-level regulation on climate change,
in the past three years, state legislatures have passed at least twenty-nine
bills of their own, the most notable being California's law setting strict limits
on new vehicle CO2 emissions. In April 2004,
California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger and New Mexico governor Bill Richardson
co-signed a statement pushing for improved energy efficiency and greater use
of renewable energy. The statement calls for the 18 western states to generate
30,000 megawatts of electricity, or about 15% of the region's present demand,
from renewable energy by 2015 and to increase electrical efficiency by 20% by
2020 (see "New Allies in the Energy Wars"). The statement will
likely be followed by a more detailed strategy in coming months. Oregon has
instituted a law encouraging insurers to offer a pay-as-you-drive, or PAYD,
car insurance plan that rewards vehicle-owners for driving less by charging
on a per-mile basis rather than offering a fixed rate. Massachusetts has formulated
a climate change plan which calls for about 70 regulatory changes, legislative
proposals, and incentive programs, some of which are voluntary, with the goal
of reducing CO2 emissions. Surprisingly, Massachusetts governor Mitt
Romney is not entirely convinced climate change is occurring, but he rationalized
his climate policy actions by saying: "If we learn decades from now that climate
change isn't happening, these actions will still help our economy, our quality
of life, and the quality of our environment." In addition, fifteen different
states are forcing their electric utilities to use energy sources other than
coal and oil. Results have been mixed, with some promising and some less positive
outcomes (see "Region struggles on greenhouse emissions goals" for
information on the difficulties in New England).
Counties and cities, too, have joined the global warming
battle. In San Francisco, for example, residents approved a $100 million bond
issue in 2001 to pay for the purchase and installation of solar panels for public
buildings. The city of San Jose, California, partnered with Silicon Valley firms
Hewlett-Packard, Oracle, Calpine, Lockheed, ALZA, Life Scan, and PG&E, as
well as the NASA Ames Research Center and the Santa Clara Valley Water District,
has set a goal for Santa Clara County of reducing CO2 emissions 20%
below 1990 levels by 2010 (as discussed in "Valley firms to fight global warming"). In August 2002,
Sonoma County (in Northern California) became the first US county to have 100%
of the county's local governments agree to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions
and calculate baselines for municipal operations. The county's goal is to reduce
municipal operations' emissions by 20% below 2000 levels by 2010 (see Sonoma County's climate
website). Sonoma County acknowledges that their goal falls short of
the targets set by Kyoto and is nowhere near the 60% reduction from 1990 levels
that many scientists recommend by mid-century, but it is nonetheless a start.
Kousky and Schneider, 2003 believe that these county-
and city-level decisions are made mainly on the basis of the potential for cost
savings and other possible benefits rather than pressure from environmentalist
Some state and local policies on climate are already being
attacked by the federal government, which has allied itself to powerful special
interest groups like the oil and auto industries (see "State Officials
Feel the Heat On Global-Warming Steps" and "Fed Up - Northeast Efforts to Reduce Greenhouse Gases Thwarted
by Feds"). They complain that if strict policies are enacted at state
and local levels, the US will end up with a hodgepodge of confusing environmental
laws that will be difficult to implement, especially where shared resources
and interstate activities are concerned. As a result, states are enacting softer
bills than they'd otherwise hoped for. California weakened its vehicle emissions
bill after the auto industry protested, and Maine was forced to make a greenhouse
gas emissions law less stringent. Nonetheless, action at more local levels demonstrates
people want action, and could be the first step in pressuring for coordinated
national-level policies, especially if the White House remains unwilling to
enact a nationwide abatement policy (see "White
House Attacked for Letting States Lead on Climate"). I recently attended
a lecture at which I heard from an oil company official a realistic complaint
about the costs of coping with a dozen different state rules on emissions. "Then
join with us in lobbying Washington to have a coherent national policy,"
I rejoined, "and call off your anti-climate policy attack dog lobbyists!" He
agreed -- in private.
In this environment, if scientists
increase their use of probabilistic information, even if subjective, they will
provide a much more representative picture of the broad views of experts and
a fairer representation of costs, which in turn allow better potential policy
insights that could facilitate future hedging. Regardless of how risk-prone
or risk-averse the individual decision maker is, he or she must know the characterization
and range of uncertainties of the information provided by decision analysis
tools (see Climate Impacts: What
is the Probability of “Dangerous” Climate Change?). Any
climate policy analysis that represents best guess point values or limited (i.e.,
“truncated”) ranges of outcomes restricts the ability of policymakers
to make strategic hedges against such risky outlier events. The end result of
any set of integrated assessment modeling exercises will be, as always, the
subjective choice of a decision-maker, but a more comprehensive analysis with
uncertainties in all major components explicitly categorized and displayed will
hopefully lead to a better-informed choice (see Titus et al., 1996; and Morgan and Dowlatabadi, 1996).
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Policy Applications: Using Scenarios to Develop a Plausible Range of
In 1996, the IPCC commissioned a Special Report
on Emission Scenarios both to broaden assessments to include a range of
outcomes and to focus analysis on a coherent set of outcomes
(scenarios) to facilitate comparison. The resulting scenarios of the
report, which was completed in 2000, concentrate on assumptions
regarding economic growth, technological developments, and population
growth, which are arguably the three most critical variables affecting
the uncertainty over future climate change and policy options. To the
extent possible, the TAR authors have used the SRES to inform and guide
their assessments. (Box
1 described the baseline SRES scenarios and climate change impacts demonstrates how the
SRES has been used to evaluate projected temperature changes and
potential reasons for concern.)
Around that same time, in the mid-1990s, many
governments, academics and environmental organizations were calling for
more stringent international climate policies. These calls resulted in
the Berlin Mandate, which required that climate
change targets and timetables be negotiated and set before the end of
1997, i.e., at the third meeting of the conference of the parties (COP3)
in Kyoto.
Abatement now—or later? However,
Wigley, Richels and Edmonds (WRE, 1996) presented data on various
stabilization targets for atmospheric CO2 ranging from
350-750 ppm and argued that no significant abatement was seen as
desirable over the next couple of decades. They contended that it would
not only be possible, but also more cost-effective, to defer emission
abatement. They argued, using three economic points and one physical
one, that it would be more cost-effective to continue on current
emission trajectories, which would arrive at the same long-term
stabilization concentrations as cutting emissions earlier on would.
This challenged the raison d'être
of the Berlin Mandate and the upcoming negotiations in Kyoto. Although
elimination of short-term targets for abatement was never seriously
discussed during the climate negotiations, the WRE paper influenced
many economists' and US policymakers' views on climate change and
sparked an interest into research on more flexibility in international
agreements on climate change (see e.g., Toman et al., 1999; and Weyant,
Christian Azar and I (Schneider and Azar) challenged the view that
“dangerous anthropogenic climatic changes” can safely be avoided
without serious consideration of substantial amounts of near-term
abatement, showing that early abatement may not be at all inconsistent
with economic efficiency arguments. Moreover, we attempted to show that
substantial near-term abatement would not necessarily be prohibitively
costly, despite some well-publicized claims to the contrary.
Essentially, the arguments we used are as follows:
- There is still considerable uncertainty about the trajectory of
the climate system, and as a result, substantial concern remains about
low-probability, catastrophic impacts, especially if the climate is
forced rapidly and strongly (IPCC,
1996a, p. 7). We do not dismiss
the possibility of the converse — that substantial climate changes may
not necessarily turn out to be “dangerous”—but the climate
uncertainties also imply that in the near future, the possibility of
dangerous changes, even at atmospheric stabilization targets some might
consider to be relatively low, cannot be ruled out with high
- The WRE emission trajectories also suggest that low
stabilization targets could be met cost-effectively without significant
near-term abatement, but the WRE trajectories were never
cost-optimized. In parallel modeling efforts, it was shown that for
stabilization targets of about 450ppm or lower, early abatement is
cost-efficient! Using the MERGE and the ERB-models, Richels and Edmonds, 1995 find that
“limiting concentrations at 400ppm will require an early and rapid
departure from business-as-usual.” These emission trajectories are not
cost-minimized, but the authors state that they have “attempted to
identify an emissions path close to the least-cost solution.” More
subsequent runs by Manne & Richels (1997), however,
confirm that “a more aggressive departure from the emissions baseline
will be required” for targets in the range 450-550ppm. For
stabilization targets above, say, 600ppm, very little near-term
abatement is cost-effective in their modeling efforts. Similar results
are also reported in IPCC
Third Assessment Report (TAR) working group (WG) III, chapter 2
(IPCC 2001c, p 153), where it is argued that
“achievement of stabilization at 450ppm will require emissions
reductions in Annex 1 countries by 2020 that go significantly beyond
their Kyoto commitments for 2008-2012.” Schneider and Azar did not at this point
attempt to justify investments in such policies, only to point out that
studies have been done for very low abatement targets.
- The larger the probability of abrupt nonlinear or catastrophic
climate changes and the more “unique and valuable” systems that are
threatened by climate changes of “only” a degree or two of warming
(e.g., See IPCC 2001b, chapter 19 and climate change impacts), the lower one
can argue the stabilization target for efficient policies should be —
depending on the characterization of “dangerous changes.” Under such
circumstances, more early abatement may well be demonstrated to be
economically efficient.
- There is not only uncertainty about what the stabilization
target should be and what the benefits of early stabilization are, but
also about the abatement costs themselves. In particular, there is a
vigorous debate over how the energy system would respond to incentives
to reduce CO2 emissions. By initiating abatement policies
sooner, firms and governments will learn more about how the energy
system responds to such policies. This information will be useful when
designing future abatement policies.
- Furthermore, learning by doing (LBD) and induced technological
change (ITC) resulting from early abatement could substantially reduce
the costs of abatement policies over time relative to current
calculations that neglect prospects for technological development.
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Uncertainty and Future Climate Policy
At present, it is not possible to uniquely relate
greenhouse gas concentrations and temperature. The 2001 consensus among
climate modelers was that a doubling of CO2-equivalent
concentrations would increase annual average global surface
temperatures by 1.5-4.5oC (IPCC, 2001a), though we noted in the
section on climate sensitivity that this is an oversimplification and
likely underestimates the range (see Climate Sensitivity).
Figure —
IPCC stabilization scenarios for atmospheric CO2. Right:
Corresponding equilibrium changes in global mean temperature since
pre-industrial times (central values plus uncertainty ranges from IPCC (1996a). (Source: Azar & Rodhe, 1997.)
From this Figure, it can be seen that the
global temperature increase for an atmospheric CO2
concentration of 550ppm will only stay below 2oC if the
climate sensitivity is on the very low end of the IPCC's estimates.
Azar and Rodhe (1997) conclude that if
climate sensitivity turns out to be in the upper range of the IPCC's
estimates, then a CO2 concentration of 550ppm will be
sufficient to yield a global average temperature change of a magnitude
approaching that which occurs over the thousands of years it takes to
transition from an ice age to an interglacial period (roughly 5-7oC).
It appears that in order to have a very high probability of keeping the
global temperature changes within the range of natural fluctuations
that have occurred during the past few millennia (roughly 1oC),
the climate sensitivity has to be low or the atmospheric CO2
concentration has to be stabilized at around 350ppm (i.e., below
current levels).
The policy challenge that can be extracted from this is
to ask whether 1) the burden of proof lies on those who argue that uncertainties
which preclude confident prediction of the likelihood of exceeding any specific
warming threshold — 2oC for the IPCC stabilization scenarios — should lead to
a “wait and see” policy approach, or, 2) if, rather, the burden
of proof lies on those who, citing precautionary principles, believe it is not
“safe” or acceptable to risk such potentially dangerous changes
in the global climate system. However — and this is a primary message
here — until it has been widely accepted with much higher confidence
that a temperature increase above 2oC is “safe” or that
the climate sensitivity is lower than the central estimate, the projections
shown in the IPCC stabilization scenarios suggest that the global
climate policy community should not dismiss policies that lead to eventual stabilization
in the range of 350-400 ppm.
When attempting to manage risk, a government should look
at policy options that involve both adaptation and
mitigation (Jones, 2003), though as stated by Perrings,
2003 and discussed earlier in this web site, many future climate risks,
especially abrupt events, favor mitigation over adaptation. It is not suggested
that governments adopt specific targets that should be strictly adhered to over
the next hundred years. On the contrary, the UNFCCC recognizes that steps to
understand and address climate change will be most effective “if they
are continually reevaluated in the light of new findings in these areas”
(UNFCCC, 1992). In IPCC language, “The challenge
now is not to find the best policy today for the next hundred years, but to
select a prudent strategy and to adjust it over time in the light of new information”
(IPCC, 1996a).
Christian Azar and I (Schneider and Azar, 2001) made a similar comment:
In our view, it is wise to keep many doors — analytically and
from the policy perspective — open. This includes acting now so as to
keep the possibility of meeting low stabilization targets open. As more is learned
of costs and benefits in various numeraires and political preferences become
well developed and expressed, interim targets and policies can always be revisited.
But exactly how much near term abatement or other technology policies that are
required to keep the option of low stabilization within reach is, of course,
very difficult to answer, in particular because the inertia of the energy system,
let the political system, has proven difficult to model.
This revising of policy as new information becomes available
is often referred to as Bayesian updating. Advocating the use of Bayesian
updating in climate change policy has also been done by Perrings,
A crucial element of any precautionary approach is the mechanism by which
the decision maker learns about the probability distribution of outcomes.
Since uncertainty implies that there is scope for learning (although learning
does not necessarily reduce uncertainty), every problem that is a candidate
for a precautionary approach is also a candidate for learning. Precautionary
action implies a mechanism for learning, or for updating the information on
which decisions are taken since expectations about the payoff to different
outcomes are conditional on the state of knowledge, and are therefore revised
as the state of knowledge changes.
Governments will be better able to deal with this uncertainty
if they promote research on all sides of the issue through research grants and
endowments and encourage the foundation of climate-specific organizations like
the California Climate Action
Registry, which teaches companies to monitor their CO2 emissions
levels in an attempt to establish emissions baselines against which any future
greenhouse gas reduction requirements may be applied; and the Green House Network,
whose goal is to educate people everywhere about the need to stabilize the climate.
Research on sequential decision-making under
uncertainty includes, e.g., Manne & Richels (1992), Kolstad (1994, 1996a,
1996b), Yohe and Wallace (1996), Lempert and Schlesinger (2000), Ha-Duong et al. (1997), Narain and Fisher (2003), Fisher (2001). The results of these studies
are addressed in subsequent sections.
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Implications of Uncertainty