A message from Patricia Mastrandrea, researcher and chief website developer and manager for Steve Schneider: “I would like to thank the following people for their essential roles in the creation of the new form and content that we are adding to Steve’s 300 + page website, climatechange.net.”
Steve Schneider: First thank you to Steve himself for the 40 years he spent since his early 20’s pursuing credible climate science, teaching the next generation, and tirelessly communicating the very real risks and probabilities of increasing serious climate impacts. Steve uses his website to explain the many complex aspects and growing preponderance of evidence of climate science telling us in Plain English what is already happening and can happen in the future and what the odds are of it happening. Steve was an expert communicator who could immediately seize the opportunity to interact with multiple audiences and he used his website as a way to expand his reach and to communicate with the global community.
Terry Root: Thank you to Terry for her impeccable science, her partnership in all dimensions with Steve, her husband and collaborator, and for all of her support this year to realize the promise to Steve to launch a new version of climatechange.net (stephenschneider.stanford.edu) and keep it alive and vital.
Michael Mastrandrea: Mike worked with Steve as his student and collaborator since 1997 and is serving as an indispensible consultant on the updates to the Science, Impacts and Policy sections based on publications and multiple conversations with Steve which will soon be completed and posted.
David Mastrandrea: David, who served as Steve’s technical consultant, helps solve any technical website issues and keeps us all on track with the sense of urgency to get the site up and running. He continues to help every step of the way.
Annabelle Louie: Annabelle consulted on and created the beautiful easy-to-use interface with a new homepage and template for all of the sub-pages. Steve loved and approved it, and we are happy to share it now.
Eli Goldstein: Eli, Stanford Ph.D. candidate in Mechanical Engineering, answered "a call to help" from the Stanford Energy Club at a critical time. He has spent weeks this summer helping format the web pages, participates on the “links checking” team, prepares pages to load and loads them on the server.
Justin Edward Warren: In addition to the contracted professional services of his company, Cyperus Media, Justin has made a significant in-kind donation to the Steve-in-Action section of the website and continues to be a significant collaborator.
Steve’s Students:
Kevin Hsu: Kevin is interested in the Climate Change Ethics and Justice issues, and is working on a new section of Policy to highlight these important considerations.
Sarah Rizk: Sarah went to COP-15 as a part of the 36 student delegation led by Steve and Terry. She is working on a recap of the conference and the unforgettable experience through the eyes of the students to be posted in the Policy section.
Bill Anderegg: Bill co-authored a paper with Steve and others on expert credibility in climate change published in the spring of 2010. He has written a section for Mediarology using Steve’s emails and comments to be posted shortly.
Special Thanks
The Winslow Foundation: The Winslow Foundation was as Steve put it, “a multi-year pillar of support “for his tireless efforts to reach every group possible to communicate how to “Avoid Dangerous Climate Change”, “Climate Change Science, Impacts, and Policy Options” and his essential, heroic fight to “Counter Climate Deniers’ Misinformation” that kept him up at night. No words can describe how much this support meant to Steve and his team.
Steve’s Colleagues: Also special thanks to the many colleagues who made the effort in their busy schedules to send us video and audio files of Steve’s presentations to make this site come alive with Steve-in-Action.
Thank you all again for your indispensible help.

Patricia Mastrandrea
Researcher, Funding Specialist, and
Web Manager for Steve Schneider