: A Climatologist's View of the Kyoto Treaty Morning Edition, February
16, 2005 · Countries participating in the Kyoto protocol hope to lower
worldwide carbon levels to pre-1990 levels over the next seven years. Stephen
Schneider, a climatologist at Stanford University, talks about the treaty's
goals and potential effect on global warming.
- Stanford
Report, Feb. 16, 2005: Whole Earth Systems symposium (see next item)
celebrates climatologist Stephen Schneider, who turned 60 on Friday. To mark
the occasion his Stanford colleagues threw a bash befitting one of the world's
leading climate expertsa three-day international symposium on climate
change and its potential impact on the planet.
- Whole
Earth Systems: Science, Technology and Policy -- Symposium , February
10-12, Stanford University
"The Whole Earth Systems symposium is an international gathering of academic,
government, media, and non-profit scholars and leaders who have accepted the
challenge of an interdisciplinary approach to environmental concerns... We
celebrate the professional contributions of Stephen Schneider whose career-thus-far
has personally and intellectually touched all of these fields of inquiry.
- What are 'Dangerous' Climate Impacts? Here are the slides of an overview,
in a presentation made to to the symposium, Avoiding
Dangerous Climate Change, and here is an accompanying paper, Schneider
and Lane, 2005.
- 'Honest
Debate' Needed on Global Warming, Chico
Enterprise Record, 12 April 2004
- Panel
Examines Communications Difficulties When Discussing Marine Fisheries,
Stanford Report, 18 February 2004
- Scholars
Weigh in on Implications of U.S. Power, Stanford
Report, 22 Octobre 2003
- New
Stanford Institute to Provide 'United Voice' on Environmental Research,
Stanford Report
, 13 Octobre 2002
- Congressional
Testimony, 1 Octobre 2003
- Stephen Schneider, Presentation
on Climate Change, NSW State Parliament House, Australia, 7 July 2003
(Real Player)
- Global
Warming is Now a Weapon of Mass Destruction, The
Guardian, 20 July 2003
- Stephen Schneider, Presentation
on Climate Change, NSW State Parliament House, Australia, 7 July 2003
(Real Player)
- Journalism
and Environmental Reporting, interview on The Environment
Show, Greg Dahlmann, WAMC, 8 March 2002
- Bill
Nye, the Science Guy, interviews SHS (Real Player video) at COP 6,
Sixth Conference of the Parties to the UN Framework Convention on Climate
The Hague, The Netherlands; 13 - 24 November 2000
- PBS Frontline/Nova, What's Up With the Weather?, Interview
with Prof. Stephen Schneider, 2000
- Politics and Cost/Benefit. 19 July 1977. Steve Schneider interviewed
by Johnny Carson (Real Player: Modem;
Climate Change in the News
- "The
Science and Politics of Global Climate Change: Does the Bush Administration
Think It Can Fool Mother Nature?", John Holdren, Presentation
at Ohio State University, sponsored by Scientists
and Engineers for Change, 7 October 2004
- Climate
Change Could Have Drastic Impact on California - Stanford Report,
18 August 2004.
Release, NY State Attorney General, 21 July 2004
- Urgent
Action Call on USA Climate, BBC News, 15 June, 2004
- Browne, J., 2004: Beyond
Kyoto, Foreign Affairs 83(4), 20-32
- Griscom, A., 2004: How
Green Was the Gipper? Grist Magazine, 10 June 2004
- Toner, M., 2004: Global
Warming Increase Predicted, The Atlanta Journal-Constitution,
23 June, 2004
- Henley, J., 2004: France
Launches Radical Green Tax on Bigger Cars, The Guardian, 23
June, 2004
- Hanley, C.J., 2004: As
the Earth Heats Up, Many Questions Remain, Associated Press,
6 June, 2004
- Macalister, T., 2004: Corporates
Warm to Climate Change, The Guardian, 15 May, 2004
- McKie, R., 2004: Stardom
is a Gas for Brad and Leo, The Guardian, 23 May, 2004
- Rainey, J., 2004: Eco-Activists
Sharpen Plans to Unseat Bush, The Los Angeles Times, 22 May,
- Dickinson, T., 2004: Diary
of a Dying Planet, RollingStone.com, 19 May 2004
- Big Climate Shifts: Postcards
From the Artic -- Andrew Revkin, New York Times, May 2004
- Davies, J., 2004: Hybrid-car
Popularity Shifts Into Overdrive, San Diego Union-Tribune, 12
May, 2004
- Mitra. D., 2004: Hot
Politics at Jasper Ridge, Stanford Scientific Review 2 (Winter
2004): 29-31
- Adam, D., 2004: Im
Really Very Worried for the Planet, The Guardian, 17 June
- Climate
Debate Gets Its Icon: Mt. Kilimanjaro, New York Times, 23 March 2004
- Carbon
Dioxide Reported at Record Levels, Associated Press, 21 March 2004
- Earth
Faces Sixth Mass Extinction: scientists are alarmed at the rate at
which insect populations are declining and going extinct relative to other
flora and fauna and wonder if the crisis in insect populations is a sign of
the Earth's sixth mass extinction. They believe one major contributor is nitrogen
pollution, New Scientist, 18 March 2004
- Environmental
Ills Require Immediate Action, Gore Says on Stanford Campus, Stanford
Report, 17 March 2004
- 'Untouched'
Rainforest hit by Environmental Change. Changes in Tree Communities Underline
Humans' Pervasive Influence: rain forest communities may not be safe
even when they're located far from humans, Nature, 11 March 2004
- Changing
Climate: Going to Depths for Evidence of Global Warming - Heating Trend in
North Pacific Baffles Researchers: looking for an explanation for
why water near the Aleutian Islands is warming, scientists reported in a recent
issue of Nature that solar-heated water is traveling all the way to
the ocean floor over a period of decades rather than centuries, San Francisco
Chronicle, 1 March 2004. See the actual Nature
- Corals
in Hot Water: in an interview, Joan Kleypas, a marine scientist at
the National Center for Atmospheric Research, reports that increased carbon
dioxide in the ocean has caused acidity levels to rise, which is harming coral
reefs, Earthbeat, ABC National Radio (Australia), 28 February 2004
- Pope, C. and R. Gettelfinger, 2004: More
Jobs To the Gallon, The New York Times, 18 February, A19
- Hakim, D., 2004: Plan
for Rules on Cars Joins 2 Adversaries, The New York Times, 18
February, A17
- Huge
Amazonian Fires May Spawn Fierce Tempests in South America: Amazonian
fires may be devastating in a way not previously considered -- their ability
to disrupt the climate and cause more storms, San Francisco Chronicle, 27
February 2004. See the three articles in Science magazine upon which this
story is based: one by Graf,
one by Andreae
et al., and one by Koren
et al
- Bush
'Bending Science to his Political Needs' - Scientists Accuse US of Manipulating
Research: Many renowned scientists complain that the Bush Administration
manipulates scientific data, especially on global warming, to meet its political
ends, The Guardian, 19 February 2004. See also a New
York Times article, a press
release from the Union of Concerned Scientists, and the report
by the UCS upon which the news articles and the press release are based. In
response to the UCS statement, John Marburger, III, of the government's Office
of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP) prepared a statement
defending the Bush Administration's scientific integrity
- In
Follow-Up to Investor Summit on Climate Risk, California Treasurer Launches
Environmental Disclosure and Investment Initiative: California Treasurer
Phil Angelides is calling on CalPERS and CalSTRS to a four-part plan to assure
that investments they make are environmentally sound, CERES Press Release,
3 February 2004
- Europe's
Summers 'to get Hotter': while scientists are still calling Europe's
very hot summer in 2003 an anomaly, they predict that greenhouse forcing will
increase year-to-year weather variability, BBC News, 12 January 2004
- Cooke, S., 2004: Government
begins Work on CO2 Storage Project at Teapot Dome, Associated
Press, 28 January.
- US
Science Body Warns on Climate: the American Geophysical Union (AGU),
one of the most influential US science organisations dedicated to studying
the Earth and its environment, says human influence on the climate is increasing.
BBC News, Dec. 16, 2003. See also the AGU
report itself
- Listening
to the Climate Models, and Trying to Wake Up the World, NY Times,
16 December 2003
- Global
Warming Kills 150,000 People a Year, Warns UN, Independent (UK), 12
December 2003
- New
Book Demonstrates How Climate Change Impacts on Health: the World
Health Organization has published a new book detailing the health implications
of climate change, WHO press release, 11 December 2003
- Climate
Study Highlights Inadequacy of Emissions Cuts: a report by the German
Advisory Council on Global Change states that the world can only tolerate
a 2oC rise in temperature over pre-industrial
levels and that emissions must be decreased by 45%-60% (versus 1990 levels)
by 2050, Nature, 4 December 2003
- Climate Change -- It's
Not Over 'Til the Fat Lady Sings, the Milan Talks, Grist Magazine,
3 December 2003
- Hot
Topic: Mark Lynas major issues at the Ninth Conference of the Parties
(COP) meeting in Milan, including Russia's decision on the Kyoto Protocol,
the US's obstinance, and the potential of contraction and covergence (C&C),
The Guardian, 3 December 2003
- New
View of Data Supports Human Link to Global Warming: a re-examination
of 24 years of weather satellite data has found that temperatures are rising
in the troposphere, whereas some previous studies using the same data had
shown no warming, NY Times, 18 November 2003
- U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Hearing
on The
Case for Climate Change Action, October 2003
- Summary
of Lieberman/McCain Draft Proposal on Climate Change
- The
Climate Stewardship Act
- MIT Joint Program on Science and Policy of Global Change: Emissions
Trading to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions in the United States: The McCain
Lieberman Proposal
- Hearing
on the Case for Climate Change Action - Testimony of Dr. Stephen Schneider,
1 October 2003. Steve Schneider discusses climate change, its projected
effects, the potential for "surprises" and other "dangerous" climate change,
and the policy implications of all this in a testimony to the Senate Committe
on Commerce, Science, and Transportation
- Steve
Schneider's Answers to Climate Change Questions Posed by Senator McCain,
26 October 2003. Steve Schneider answers John McCain's questions on his
October 1, 2003, testimony in regards to temperature change to 2100 and
the probabilities of various climate sensitivities
- Steve
Schneider's Answers to Climate Change Questions Posed by Senators Kerry
and Hollings, 26 October 2003. Steve Schneider answers Senators
Kerry and Holling's questions on his October 1, 2003, testimony in regards
to temperature change to 2100 and the probabilities of various climate
- NASA Study, "Dwindling
Arctic Ice", 24 October 2003
- Road
to Ruin: How America is Ravaging the Planet, The Guardian, 24 October
- North
Sea Faces Collapse of its Ecosystem, The Independent, 19 October 2003
- Governors
Announce Tri-State Strategy To Reduce Global Warming, 22 September
- Guardian
Unlimited Special Reports on Climate Change (Past year to present)
- Americans
Among Most Misinformed About Global Warming, Eureka-Alert, 3 September
- Not
Just Warmer: it's the Hottest for 2,000 years, The Guardian, 1 September
- Canadian
Prime Minister Chrétien Unveils $1.3-billion Toward Implementing Kyoto
Accord, Globe and Mail, 13 August 2003
- Climate Change Science -- 1) Letter: "Climate
Change: The Science Isn't Settled", James Schlesinger; 2)
Rebuttal by David Schindler
- Report
Faults Big Companies on Climate, 10 July 2003
- Science
Friction, July 2003
- Dr. Terry Root was interviewed by Ira Flatow on Science Friday about
the impacts
of global warming on species (RealPlayer -- Dr. Root's segment begins
at 14:45 minutes into the show, so when connected advance the RP slider to
that point), Science Friday, Talk of the Nation, NPR, 10 January 2003.
- Reaping
the Whirlwind Extreme Weather Prompts Unprecedented Global Warming
Alert, 7 July 2003
- U.S.
and Other Countries Outline Program to Curb Carbon Emissions, 24 June
- Report
by the E.P.A. Leaves Out Data on Climate Change, 19 June 2003
- Survey
Finds Americans Want Action on Global Warming, 2 June 2003
- Nonprofits
Push Controversial Climate Study, 1 June 2003
- "This
Just In ...", Leonie Haimson, Grist Magazine, 30 May 2003
- No
Doubts Global Warming Is Real, U.S. Experts Say: Reuters reports on
the results of a new study by Thomas Karl and Kevin Trenberth that suggests
warming is being caused by humans and that the IPCC's estimate of warming
to 2100 may be low, Reuters, 12 May 2003
- New
Look at Satellite Data Supports Global Warming Trend, NCAR, 1 May
- "Global
Warming Found to Displace Species", New York Times, 3 January
- Black
Carbon Contributes To Droughts And Floods In China, NASA, 12 September
For other Climate Change news, see: