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  Forums and Editorial Issues

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"Dangerous" Climate Change

  • Effects of Global Warming on Plants and Animals Worldwide. 10 January 2003. Dr. Terry Root is interviewed by Ira Flatow on Talk of the Nation - Science Friday (a program on National Public Radio). She outlines a recent article she wrote with her colleagues that appeared in Science on the effects of global warming on plant and animal communities. (RealPlayer -- Dr. Root's segment begins at 14:45 minutes into the show, so when connected advance the RP slider to that point)
  • The Future and Natural Disasters. 19 November 2002. Steve Schneider and other scientists are interviewed on EarthBeat, a radio program produced by the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. They discuss how climate change is contributing to severe weather and could invoke other natural disasters. Listen to the interview via Real Audio.
  • “What is 'Dangerous' Climate Change?” 3 May 2001. Article by Steve Schneider in Nature (vol. 411, p. 17-19) encouraging scientists to assign subjective probabilities to the climate change consequences they believe will occur.
  • “Identifying Dangers in an Uncertain Climate”. 5 July 2001. Rebuttal of Schneider's promotion of the use of subjective probabilities in the Nature article above, "What is 'Dangerous' Climate Change?", by A. Grübler and N. Nakicenovic in Nature (vol. 412, p. 15).
  • “Probabilities will help us plan for climate change”. 20 September 2001. Support for Steve Schneider's commentary on dangerous climate change by A. Pittock, R. Jones, and C. Mitchell in Nature (vol. 413, p. 249).
  • “Earth Systems: Engineering and Management”.  18 January 2001. Steve Schneider discusses possible alternative methods for avoiding dangerous climate change in Nature (vol. 409, p. 417-421).
  • A Consensus Emerges Around Global Warming. 10 January 1998. Steve Schneider discusses the effects climate change may have on weather in an article on the MSNBC website.
  • SHS: Xerox PARC Forum presentation, 9/19/02.
  • Dr. Terry Root was interviewed by Ira Flatow on Science Friday about the impacts of global warming on species (RealPlayer -- Dr. Root's segment begins at 14:45 minutes into the show, so when connected advance the RP slider to that point), Science Friday, Talk of the Nation, NPR, Jan. 10, 2003.

Scientific Uncertainty

Environmental Education and Mediarology

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Copyright 2011, Stephen H. Schneider, Stanford University