Problems with data
- Missing components or errors in the data
- Noise in the data associated with biased or incomplete
- Random sampling error and biases (non-representativeness) in a
Problems with models
- Known processes but unknown functional relationships or errors in
the structure of the model
- Known structure but unknown or erroneous values of some important
- Known historical data and model structure, but reasons to believe
parameters or model structure will change over time
- Uncertainty regarding the predictability (e.g., chaotic or stochastic
behavior) of the system or effect
- Uncertainties introduced by approximation techniques used to solve
a set of equations that characterize the model.
Other sources of uncertainty
- Ambiguously defined concepts and terminology
- Inappropriate spatial/temporal units
- Inappropriateness of/lack of confidence in underlying assumptions
- Uncertainty due to projections of human behavior (e.g., future
consumption patterns, or technological change), which is distinct
from uncertainty due to natural sources (e.g., climate
sensitivity, chaos)