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  • Climate Change Policy: A Survey. By Stephen H. Schneider, Armin Rosencranz, John O. Niles (eds.), Island Press, 368 pp; June, 2002.

../Graphics/ClimateChange1.gif“Global warming is not merely an environmental issue; it is one of the defining economic and political challenges of this global era. Nowhere are the issues, the stakes, and the solutions more clearly and compellingly laid out than in this authoritative book. Climate Change Policy is the new standard on the subject.” The Honorable Timothy E. Wirth, president, United Nations Foundation

“Schneider, Rosencranz, and Niles present a comprehensive and sobering review of global climate change. Their clear, careful, and highly readable analysis will be useful for students, researchers, and citizen activists at all levels of sophistication. This richly detailed guide is certain to help a new generation separate hard truths from fiction and hyperbole concerning global warming due to the greenhouse effect.” — Irving Mintzer, executive editor, Global Change

Climate Change Policy is the textbook for policymakers facing the number-one challenge of this century: restabilizing Earth’s climate system. This work provides the basic science background and covers the necessary regulatory framework and financial mechanisms. Case studies are capped by a Southern perspective from the late Anil Agarwal on how to balance ecological needs with equitable development. Addressing the common problem of climate change may yet help us overcome the many issues that now divide us.” — Paul R. Epstein, Center for Health and the Global Environment, Harvard Medical School

“This terrific book surveying climate change policy translates an often impenetrable debate into an accessible, credible, coherent, and highly educational compendium. It provides for the student, the teacher, and the interested layperson a splendid one-stop introduction to one of the most important issued in environmental policy. Schneider, Rosencranz and Niles are to be congratulated.” — John P. Holdren, Teresa and John Heinz Professor of Environmental Policy, Harvard University

From Island Press: “Questions surrounding the issue of climate change are evolving from 'Is it happening?' to 'What can be done about it?' The primary obstacles to addressing it at this point are not scientific but political and economic; nonetheless a quick resolution is unlikely. Ignorance and confusion surrounding the issue, including a lack of understanding of climate science, its implications for the environment and society, and the range of policy options available contributes to the political morass over dealing with climate change in which we find ourselves. Climate Change Policy addresses that situation by bringing together a wide range of new writings from leading experts that examine the many dimensions of the topics most important in understanding climate change and policies to combat it. Chapters consider:

    • climate science in historical perspective
    • analysis of uncertainties in climate science and policy
    • the economics of climate policy
    • North-South and intergenerational equity issues
    • the role of business and industry in climate solutions
    • policy mechanisms including joint implementation, emissions trading, and the so-called clean development mechanism

Regardless of the fate of the Kyoto Protocol, the issues raised in that debate will persist as new climate protection regimes emerge; this volume treats most of those topics. Tying the chapters together is a shared conclusion that climate change is a real and serious problem, and that we as a society have an obligation not merely to adapt to it but to mitigate it in whatever intelligent ways we can develop. Cost-effectiveness is not disdained, but neither is the imperative for valuing species threatened by rapid climate change.”

../Graphics/Wildlife.jpgFrom Book News, Inc: “Schneider [Biological Sciences, Stanford U.] and Root [Center for Environmental Study and Policy, Stanford U.] present eight case studies that originated in fellowships granted by the National Wildlife Federation to graduate students. The case studies explore how global climate change has impacted U.S. ecosystems and individual wildlife species. After the presentation of a broad overview of the topic, penned by the editors, the case studies explore how climate change has affected the range boundaries of butterflies, the balance between predators and prey in ecosystems, the levels of snow cover that certain subalpine plants are used to, and damage to indigenous species because of the range expansion of kudzu and other nonnative plant and animal species.”

"Schneider and Root have assembled a team of young scientific stars having the courage to tackle tough interdisciplinary problems of protecting the impacts of climate change on biodiversity. Their treatments of the risks to butterflies, birds, bears, marine systems, and plants should put this book on the shelf of any ecologist or conservation biologist. The opening chapter by Root and Schneider is the most comprehensive treatment available addressing the ways climate and ecosystem components interact. It also explains the science that Root used to back up the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change's recent warning that twentieth-century warming trends have already caused a 'discernible impact' on plants and animals." — Paul R. Ehrlich, president, Center for Conservation Biology

"Wildlife Responses to Climate Change is an important contribution to understanding the implications of our continuing consumption of fossil fuels. Based largely on research by an outstanding team of graduate students, this book demonstrates the importance of continuing research as a basis for ensuring that our responses to climate change are both based on solid evidence and sufficient to address the problem successfully. My congratulations to the National Wildlife Federation for a superb contribution to the current concerns about climate change, especially for the profound impacts the projected changes may have on wildlife." — Jeffrey A. McNeely, chief scientist, International Union for Conservation of Nature

"The effects of climate change are going to become a major part of wildlife biology in the near future, but this problem has received very little attention from the wildlife community. This book is a good place to start: the topic is timely, the quality of the research and writing is excellent, and the people involved are first-rate." — Peter F. Brussard, former president, Society for Conservation Biology

../Graphics/LabEarth.jpg“This primer contains fundamental information about what affects the earth's climate over geological time and thus promotes informed, not polemical, debate.”Booklist

“The beauty of this book lies in its simple, fluid explication of nature's crazy wild fandango. But Schneider also has a modest proposal to make: Why don't we pause for a moment, take stock of potential consequences, become collectively less destructive…? A talented writer with a supple ranging imagination.… Earth could use more nimble old souls like Schneider, with his commonsense voice.”Kirkus Reviews

“A concise, sensible, even-tempered discussion that reflects both the subject's scientific and sociopolitical intricacy.” New York Times Book Review

“Inviting and trustworthy.… The MacArthur Fellowship-winning Stanford scientist explains all the essential terms and concepts—heat trapping, the carbon cycle, the average speed of 'natural' temperature change over the past 160,000 years, and so forth — and fairly summarizes what is now known.” — Curt Suplee, Washington Post

“The facts are dramatic enough to need no embellishment… Schneider meets critics of those concerned about global warming head on and demolishes their case that there is no cause for alarm” The Times

  • Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather. By Stephen H. Schneider (Editor); Oxford University Press; May, 1996. (Winner of: Mary B. Ansari Best Reference Work Award, Geoscience Information Society, 1997; 1996 Outstanding Academic Books, Association of College and Research Libraries; Best new professional/scholarly book in the Geography and Earth Science category for 1996, Association of American Publishers; One of best 100 reference books of the year, American Library Association; One of the “Outstanding Academic Books of 1996,” Choice Magazine; Editor’s Choice Award for 1996, Booklist.)

../Graphics/Encylopedia.gifFrom Book News, Inc: “With more than 300 entries covering topics from acid rain to zonal circulation, the Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather is the most comprehensive, up-to-date reference work available on the past, present, and future of the global environment. Authored by leading scholars from around the world, the encyclopedia masterfully brings together information derived from recent advances in computing, physics, mathematics, the environmental sciences, and space technology. Special attention is given to areas of current concern, including pollution, the ozone hole, climate change, global warming, desertification, and the recent floods in the American Midwest and France. Throughout, entries on literature, art, economics, and other cultural topics as they relate to the global environment enhance the coverage of more technical issues. And more than 400 illustrations provide an exceptional supplement to the text, giving visual immediacy to sometimes difficult topics. An extensive system of cross-references and a detailed topical index provide easy access to the broad range of subjects covered. Authoritative and engagingly written, The Encyclopedia of Climate and Weather will be sought after by a wide range of readers, from weather enthusiasts to undergraduates to specialists in a variety of fields -- indeed, by anyone with an interest in the climate, weather, and the environment of our planet. ”

  • Scientists on Gaia. By Stephen H. Schneider, Penelope J. Boston (Eds); MIT Press; February, 1992.

../Graphics/Sci_on_Gaia1.gifFrom Book News, Inc: “Proposed in the 1970s, the Gaia hypothesis is that the Earth is a complex system which regulates itself in part through biological processes. Essays by theory-originators Lovelock and Margulis, and others introduce this collection of essays, adapted from presentations at the 1988 Chapman Conference. The overview is followed by a debate by philosophers of science and then discussion of the scientific foundations of Gaian theory and the particular mechanisms involved. A final section explores public policy implications. ”



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  • Global Warming: Are We Entering the Greenhouse Century? By Stephen H. Schneider; Sierra Club Books; October, 1989.

../Graphics/GlobalWarming.jpg Ingram: “In this comprehensive and solidly researched examination of the greenhouse effect, the nation's leading climatologist shows why the climate is changing, the potential consequences of unrestricted use of fossil fuel, and what individuals and governments can do to mitigate the effects of global warming.”

Sierra Club: “Comprehensive and solidly researched, this essential reference examines the causes of worldwide climate change, likely social and environmental consequences, and what can be done to avert wholesale disaster. Stephen Schneider provides an authoritative, informative description of the science, personalities, and politics behind the problem of global warming. He explains in clear and simple language what is scientifically well-known, what is speculative, and where major uncertainties lie.”

"Global Warming may be the ultimate insider's guide to the Greenhouse Effect. One of the nation's foremost climate experts provides not only a compelling assessment of the scientific prospects, but also a revealing backstage look at the recent politics of one of the central issues facing our planet." — James Gleick, author of Chaos

../Graphics/Coevolution1.gifBy Stephen H. Schneider, Randi Londer, 563 pages, Sierra Club Books; May, 1984. (Out of print.)

"The most complete review of climate change I've ever seen... a truly adroit accomplishment" — Richard Threlkeld, Correspondent, ABC News

"Stephen Schneider is a concerned climatologist who belies the idea that scientists are narrow of mind and view. Provocatively, he decries the notion that our ability to disrupt global cycles brings benefits that are worth the unknown risks." Science Digest

"In this gracefully written book Stephen Schneider and Randi Londer clearly demonstrate that they know and love their subject. The book is infused with a humane spirit of respect for life. It fills the reader with wonder at the complexities and the scale of the world climate system" — Roger Revelle, Chairman, Committee on Climate, American Association for the Advancement of Science

"That climate and life can mutually after each other's evolution Is one of the most profound insights of modern science. I am very gratified to see how brilliantly the principle of coevolution, originating in population biology, has been applied in the entire earth by Stephen Schneider. This is by far the best book on climate and its connection to life ever written. It is certain to become a popular science classic." Paul R. Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb

  • The Genesis Strategy : Climate and Global Survival.

../Graphics/Genesis_strategy1.gifBy Stephen H. Schneider, Lynne E. Mesirow, Plenum Pub Corp; April, 1976. (Out of print.)

“This brilliant book by a young concerned scientist is just what the world needs… relevant, timely, essential for decision making. Solid, concerned common sense, buttressed with facts - but not too many for the layman to digest as a preparation for action.” — Margaret Mead, American Museum of Natural History

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  • Also published in French and German:

../Graphics/Ou_va_le_Climat1.gifOÙ VA LE CLIMAT? [Proceedings of a 1995 Greenpeace Conference in Geneva], Lyon: Editions Silence, 1996, 63 pp.

Les années 80 et 90 sont les plus chaudes depuis que les températures sont enregistrées. Ceci a provoqué l'inquiétude de bon nombre de scientifiques qui craignent que celà ne soit Ie début d'une modification du climat. L'origine de ces modifications climatiques pourrait venir des activités humaines (industries, chauffage, voitures, déforestation...). Si aujourd'hui bon nombre d'hypothèses ne sont pas encore vérifiables, les climatologues pensent très majoritairement que l'on va vers une augmentation générale de la température de la planète. La variation rapide de cette température, combinée avec I'emprise considérable des activités humaines sur Ie sol, pourraient empécher les écosystèmes de s'adapter à ce changement climatique, ce qui aurait alors des conséquences catastrophiques sur I'avenir des formes de vie sur terre. Faut-il attendre d'être sûr de tous les détails du phénomène ou devons-nous, par précaution, agir immédiatement pour diminuer les conséquences de nos activités sur la biosphère? Le professeur Stephen Henry Schneider défend ici ce principe de précaution. Stephen Henry Schneider est climatologue, professeur à I'Université de Stanford, en Californie. Il est également membre du Centre américain de la recherche sur Ie climat et expert près les instances internationales, au sein du GIEC, un groupe international de scientifiques chargés de suivre Ie dossier sur les questions atmosphériques pour Ie compte des Nations Unies.

../Graphics/Klima1.gifKLIMA IN GEFAHR [The Genesis Strategy], Frankfurt am Main: S. Fisher, 1978, 295 pp.

-Was in der Geschichte Des Klimas geschehen ist, kann sich wieder ereignen. Mit anderen Worten: Es liegt im Interesse des Überlebens der Menschen, daß sie sich für all Möglichkeiten vorsehen. Die Wetterperiode zwischen 1900-1950 war einer der mildesten seit Menschengedenken. Seither hat sich das Klima in weltweiten Wetterreaktionen entstabilisiert. Gigantische Mißernten in der UdSSR, extrem schneereiche Winter in den USA, Dürrekatastrophen IM Sahel-Gebiet. Niemand weißt genau, wie stark der technische Fortschritt das Klima zerstört, doch eines steht fest: die Lage verschlimmert sich, wenn nichts dagegen unternommen wird.


Journal Editor: Climatic Change, KLUWER academic publishers

../Graphics/CLIM.gifClimatic Change is dedicated to the totality of the problem of climatic variability and change – its descriptions, causes, implications and interactions among these. The purpose of the journal is to provide a means of exchange between those working on problems related to climatic variations but in different disciplines. Interdisciplinary researchers or those in any discipline, be it meteorology, anthropology, agricultural science, astronomy, biology, chemistry, physics, geography, policy analysis, economics, engineering, geology, ecology, or history of climate, are invited to submit articles, provided the articles are of interdisciplinary interest. This means that authors have an opportunity to communicate the essence of their studies to people in other climate related disciplines and to interested laypersons, as well as to report on research in which the originality is in the combinations of (not necessarily original) work from several disciplines. The journal also includes vigorous editorial and book review sections. See also: Climatic Change.

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Copyright 2011, Stephen H. Schneider, Stanford University